Wisdom Over Perfection
Credit : Pixabay.com

Wisdom Over Perfection

'Someone once said, be perfect and I asked how.' He didn't have an answer that would satisfy me and even though I have thought about it a lot, read what others have to say about it, I still don't have an answer that satisfies me.

Then I met someone who said, the journey of perfection is but an attempt to become wise and live with wisdom because wisdom instils all those ideas and actions from responsible thought that create a better you and through you - a better world.

Raj Sukheja

Now we come to a question that many would like to debate upon - is today a better world than the one we lived in as of yesterday? One better world argument is - more comfort; life is getting easier, information is flowing faster and therefore there is higher awareness amongst people and the action is quicker due to the quick discovery and transfer of information. Just one argument of many that can be made for a better world.

The other argument is - we are becoming lazy and are less prone to think rather than believe. We usually create a belief based on the one making the maximum noise around us especially if it is further influenced by someone close to us - personally known to us or maybe even a influencer of some sort or even a celebrity. But then look at the irresponsibility around us - the destruction of the environment, greed, wars, all of which is now the new norm for us and we accept it.

Let us narrow down the focus to our business in today's world? Everyone wants a better business but not many can define the word better in such a context. Is better more profitable, larger, driven by better processes or a business that brings you heartfelt gratitude or lots of money? What does better mean? When you strive for better, where does it end? Is the goal a milestone or is it a constant evolution of many milestones where you believe you will find perfection in the end? Is there an end and is there something called perfection and is there someone who is really perfect?

There are so many questions to which there are no answers but this statement is true only if you look at perfection from a perspective where change is not a constant. If there is change and change is the constant, then by logic there cannot be perfection since everything is evolving and subject to change! Most of life is dynamic, evolving and not static. Only death is known to be static and even that I doubt is true since we haven't understood the phenomenon of death yet in its entirety.

Now lets look at perfection from the wisdom angle and you see milestones with each milestone being an independent goal and each milestone tells you what it needs from you, it speaks to you with a clarity that you never heard or saw before in your lifetime. Therefore short term goals that finally lead to a major goal is the way to go and the tool you use to see the way is wisdom with practice towards achieving your next perfect goal. Baby Steps are the way to go. Each next step more difficult than the other and easier as you go along since you are learning along the way.

An example of the above is as follows, assume a milestone in your company is hiring new staff, then I assume you have found a path or opportunity where each addition will bring in additional revenue and the hiring will be done accordingly. So each opportunity defines its own path and all we have to do is listen and listen well.

When you reach for perfection without wisdom, you may see the stars but don't know how to reach out for them while if you practice perfection with wisdom, it may be slow for some but the path is waiting to be found, it is definite and will emerge, maybe later than sooner, but it will and that is a given. It is not that way when you strive for perfection without wisdom.

Smaller doable goals that lead to a larger goal is wisdom but heading for a vision looking at only the larger goals is letting yourself go directionless into the eye of the storm not knowing where you are heading. That to me is not business but gambling, leaving you with the question - do gamblers win and if they do, how often? Ponder That!

I always say - follow logic and luck will find you.

What do you say?

Raj Sukheja


Red Mammoth Ventures LLP (Raise Capital via Equity or Debt)

Author of Two Published Books available on Amazon and Other Online Platforms. The books are called 'Masters Playbook of Ompossible' and 'Business Sharpshooters'. The Author is also a speaker on Business & Spiritual Motivation, Blogger, Futurist and A Consulting Specialist in Finance For SME's & Business Strategy. He can be reached on [email protected]

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Achyut Koirala

Innovation Enthusiast

2 年

Good article ..thank you for sharing

Raj Sukheja

A Solution Provider To Raising Capital, Advisor To Fortune 500, Finance & Business Specialist,Founder & CEO, Red Mammoth Ventures LLP, Author | Speaker l Active in India (Bharat), US, UK, EU, Asia, Middle East & Africa

2 年



Raj Sir, Most humbly, Both are important as Perfection make you success and reach but will not earn/retain your circle or old employee with you, which bring businesses. So cocktails of both is necessary. As Example you can take TATA & RELIANCE and easily you can understand out of both, which one is Cocktails and who one scotch


