Melissa Enoch, LCMHC, QS, LCAS, CCS, MAC
My “Why” is me using Wisdom, Knowledge and Instruction to switch the light bulb on
Wisdom is defined as the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment; the quality of being wise. It is also defined as the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge and good judgment.
Trinity Counseling Services LLC began as a dream 1998. Proverbs 9:10 states the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. This message was delivered to me as the reason for starting Trinity. The original goal was to provide education to individuals about substance use disorders (then substance abuse), then offer them the knowledge that each and every circumstance that was encountered gave them value, lastly this value was needed to be conveyed to others through their gifts and talents.
Of course, it is hard to provide wisdom when you struggle with the very same confidence and certainty that the ones that you are advising. So... onward through the journey called life. This journey started from birth and has been primarily up hill since. When I realized that I was a teacher, I turned left and decided that psychology and working in the field of substance use disorders and mental health disorders was the ways. Then when I realized that I was a counselor/therapist, I turned left and decided that corrections and working in the correctional field was the way. Then when I realized that I was correctional counselor, I turned left and decided working with homeless people was the way and so on until now my life has returned full circle.
Like the children in the wilderness the fear of the Lord and knowledge of the Holy One has been lost and with it also the understanding and around and around the mountain I travelled never once seeing the promised land. Until now. I have come to realize that this journey must come to an end and that the mantle must be laid down or passed on. I have brought many people out of the hands of pharoah (addiction), but because of my own disobedience I have led them astray.
Therefore, my ability to lead has met its end and beginning the end of this year, I will be no longer leading the children of Israel, I will be guiding the ones who will follow me. This will result in more consultation and speaking engagements and less of the day to day operations of business. I will allow others who have entered this field and are still hungry for the knowledge of the ways that they can make these changes while understanding the full manisfestation of the role of visionary.