Wisdom does not recognize age

Wisdom does not recognize age

I would like to share a post I did many years ago on Facebook. But I am forced to share it as an article as it is "too long" as a post on LinkedIn :) So, here goes. A friend came to visit us in the UK six years ago. I have not met him for a long time. But we have remained in contact. Alhamdullillah.

We were swapping war wounds as entrepreneurs and about life and its challenges. [side note: we have recently shared war wounds on life in general and, more importantly, on the internal battles we continue to face].?

Anyways, let me continue with the story :)

Upon reaching Malaysia, he sent me a message. And while I do not know why he sent it to me (... till today), it made me cry and inspired me. He is proof that wisdom does not recognize age. Here is an excerpt of his message to me. InshaAllah, it will open your heart and also perhaps inspire you.?

And if you can, please say a little prayer or two for my friend's late father.?

Here is the excerpt of his message. I just took out the bromance bit :)

"Ok, ... arwah abah (side note: arwah abah means his late father). Our entire life with him, we've always looked at him as rather weak. U know, macam (translate: like) carpet, kena pijak2 (translate: stepped/trampled upon). He's so trusting he gets cheated left and right, and even when we knew and had evidence that he was being cheated, he would refuse to listen to us. Even ppl who cheated on him b4, if they came to him for help, he would still help. Mum asked him b4 abt this, and his answer was: "itu antara dia dgn tuhan (translate: that is between them and GOD). Btw me and him (GOD), I've forgiven.?

U know, only during his passing did we see the immense effect he had on ppl as a result of his attitude. Me and my family, we were completely blown away. I took it as his final lesson to me. His passing, masa (translate: during) solat kat masjid (translate: prayer in the mosque), org cakap (translate: people say), mcm solat jumaat (translate: it is like Friday Prayers/Jumaah). Penuh masjid (translate: The mosque was full). And scores of stories came to us. Ppl would come visit us and cry. They'd tell us stories we never heard before. How he helped them or their children. Staff would come, even those yg non-muslim, and cry. He had quietly helped all these ppl.?

He left me with very very very large shoes to fill (side note: my friend's father ran his own business and my friend also ran his own tech startup). Till today when our old staff talks abt him, they would eventually look away from me, hiding tears. I've not been able to fill those shoes. Been difficult.

He tot (translate: taught) me so much, but the lessons he tot (translate: taught) me, i only got them after his death. He built a large and respectable company, but never made much money for himself or the family. This is one of his lessons.?

..... if ur goal in life is to help people, then stay true to it no matter what ppl do to you, no matter what difficulty you have to go thru, no matter what ppl tell you. My dad was an example of it being ALL WORTH IT IN THE END.?

At the surface nampak macam asik kena tipu je (translate: it looked like he kept getting cheated/played), rugi je (translate: making a loss), but in the end, MashaAllah his end was mind blowing. He went with a smile bro. Mula2 mulut dia terlopong (translate: at first his mouth was opened), but right after kapan (translate: wrap in white cloths), senyum je (translate: he was smiling). But that wasnt the ultimate evidence of his great passing. It was the ppl who came after and talked.

Kalau kita baca qur'an, and kita teliti zikir2 yg sunnah nabi amalkan, (translate: if we were to read the Qur'an, amd we look carefully on the recitations that the Prophet Muhammad SAW recited) we will find that a lot of it is abt 'la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah' (side note: it is hard for me to translate this, but I will try. This means, 'There is no power nor strength except by Allah the Lofty, the Great.'

That Allah byk kali pesan (translate: Allah SWT has reminded us many times), nothing will happen without my permission.?

You know, we can do everything, put all effort into something, and if Allah doesnt will it, it will not happen.?

Our position in this world dah ditentukan (translate: is set). Whether we become a ceo, or just a kuli (translate: a lowly worker), or just penjual burger tepi jalan (translate: just a streett food (burger) seller), semua dah tertulis (translate: all is written). Dont fret the results of our efforts - serah kat dia je (translate: just leave it to GOD).?

I used to get frustrated. Watching friends get so successful and us mcm stuck in a rut. And aku lak stuck kena (translate: I am stuck to) manage Company arwah abah yg aku tak berapa minat (translate: my late father's company that I do not have any interest in), passionless in.?

But in the end i understood. Allah loved me. He made us stuck like this coz the success, the fame and glory was getting to my head. And with that understanding i became at peace with whatever happens to us. And with that, i found that mcm2 dipermudahkan pulak utk kitorg (translate: so many things came with us to us). Yes we're not glamorous & famous, but cukup je (translate: it was enough). Ada je rezeki dtg utk (translate: There were 'sustenance') all our companies.?

Gantung kan hidup kat (translate: hang on to) Allah bro, put our heads down and put our effort in (side note: .. in prayers and efforts in humility). The result, kita serah kat Allah bulat2 (translate: we leave it to Allah SWT). And terima resultnya dgn redha and syukur, sbb (translate: and accept the results. we leave it all to GOD fully) if Allah is with us in our hearts and soul, we know, ada la tu yg menanti (translate: our rewards are waiting for us).

Tgk korg, mcm2 jugak Allah bantu. Allah bukak jalan (translate: look at you guys, there are so many things Allah has helped you with. Allah has opened so many opportunities). MashaAllah i can feel he is with you.?

And that is really ALL that matters. That Allah loves us. Its the best thing to have in the world.

Up your game with him bro. Zikir ((translate: recite) lepas solat (doa before bangun from tempat solat is antara doa2 yg mustajab (translate: recite doa's/prayers before standing up at the end of our prayers is among the best time for GOD to listen to you)), tahajjud (translate: late night prayers), solat masjid (translate: pray in the mosque).?

The peace that will come to you, and jalan2 yg Allah bukakkan (translate: and the road and means that Allah will open for you), u'll be amazed.?

InshaAllah (translate: GOD willing)"

Roslan Bakri Zakaria (Ph.D.)

An established Institutional Entrepreneur transforming organisations and ecosystems. (6xEntrepreneur)

2 年

Putting religion aside, this reminder by friends resonates with me on so many levels. Anything, for example, from how we should constantly self-reflect to how we must persevere even when family ridicules us to putting others before ourselves and doing something with no expectations of any returns. There are so many things we can learn from the story my friend shared. It may sound easy. But it is far from it. And it is about taking the little steps and moving toward what we would never know if it is enough. And on that note, I have a question to ask. How do you self-reflect? Is there a certain process to ensure self-reflections are done "correctly"? Islam teaches how to do it, but I am super curious about how others do it. Please share how you do your self-reflection.

Othman Jaafar (OJ)

Manager Of Myself / Malaysia / Believer / There Is Always Hope / Memento Mori

2 年

Thanks for sharing this Roslan Bakri Zakaria (Ph.D.). I am far from this, but this really touches me because I know one person, a classmate, like this. There are good people like your friend’s late dad, but mostly they keep a low profile. I am saving this.


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