The wisdom that comes from a funeral
Yesterday I attended the third funeral in under two weeks and two more of my friends have passed. This causes one to think, to consider the nature of man. We die. It truly does not matter what kills us, old age or disease. We die. There will come a time when it will be my funeral, the time when it is my stories that will be told.
Ecclesiastics reminds us that it is better to go to a funeral than a party since indeed we all will die. The idea simply being that pondering our future is a reasonable idea, and considering our lives is better time spent. How do I treat my friends and family? How do I treat those I have never meet before? Am I ready to stand before my God? These questions come to mind when you look at the possibility of your life-ending.
Becoming morbid is not the agenda but thinking about life is. Considering the reality of what matters and what doesn't becomes relevant. Seize the day becomes important, not to simply fulfill a bucket list but to accomplish something more valuable, a legacy, a reputation.
What will I be know for and is that something I want to be known for? Again I am not saying I must change everything about myself but perhaps in contemplating my life and what it stands for I might see something worth improving. Perhaps not.
We each will die someday, hopefully not someday soon. Will we be ready? Will I? I simply found that idea worth thinking about.