Wisdom Calling
Today in A Daily Taste of Proverbs
"Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice?" - 8:1.
Wisdom is always broadcasting and advertising, calling out to mankind to fellowship with her. This indicates that wisdom is not available to a chosen few but to any and all who desire to both hear her voice and follow her advice. Are you tuned into wisdom's channel? She is speaking, but are you listening? What are you doing to record and remember what she says?
It is important to have faith not in your ability to hear God's voice but in His ability to 'speak' to you & answer your prayer for help and cry for insight and direction. To reinforce this, the book of Revelation states that heaven spoke to John in a loud voice 21 times. (See Revelation 5:12 and 12:10 for just two examples.) If your heart is to hear, God's heart is to communicate.