The Wisdom of the 5 Core Emotions
Caneel Joyce
CEO & Executive Coach, Founder of Kickass Enterprises, Keynote Speaker & Podcast Host, Allowed
There's no right or wrong way to feel. And counter to popular belief, there's no emotion that's better or worse than any other emotion.?
Every emotion is equally valuable because each emotion brings with it a specific form of value or wisdom– a message of the emotion. Emotion arrives to wake you up to something and to guide you.
There are 5 core emotions: joy, sadness, fear, anger, and desire. Our ego wants to resist this and make emotions more complicated than they need to be, but there are 5 core emotions.?
The wisdom of joy is that there is something to be appreciated and celebrated.?
The wisdom of fear is there may be something new that's going to happen. There is something you don't know about yet, something for you to learn. The wisdom of fear is the wisdom of being in the unknown.?
The wisdom of anger is there's something that does not serve you or what you value. There's something present that doesn't serve you, your people, your commitments, the things to which you are most deeply committed.?
The wisdom of sadness is that something has been lost. There's something that has been lost that is being grieved.
The last of the five core emotions is desire. Desire includes creative and sexual feelings. The wisdom of desire is that there's something here to be created, there's something new that's going to be born. And this is the one I find we most often clamp down on because we don't trust that creative impulse. And we don't trust that sexual impulse to go and make something new.?
My invitation to you is to live a life where you are committed to feeling your authentic feelings through to completion.?
Why? Because it frees up your energy.?
Allowing your emotions to be present removes the friction of trying to control, manage, explain away, avoid, or escape your feelings. After listening to the wisdom of your emotion as it's passing through, you'll be guided to making choices and taking action in your life in ways that are divinely intelligent and beneficial to you.?
Challenge yourself to feel your feelings when they show up exactly as they show up and as big as they show up.
For more on how to experience emotion consciously, check out the newest episode of Allowed !