Wired to Overcome!
Let me start by saying that we were never meant to live life apart from God. God is the very source of our existence and it stands to reason that we should always stay connected to Him in every way possible – mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. While God has given us the ability to do much with our lives, we will never be able to do all that He created us to do without His guidance and directions. To lean on God, desire His input and go in the direction that He guides us will ultimately bring out the very best in us. Only God knows the full extent of the potential that lies dormant within us. He put it there and only He knows how to utilize it to its fullest. Our part is to trust that God will bring out the potential that He has placed within us and help us grow it to its maximum limit. We will truly be amazed at what God will reveal or bring out of our lives when we seriously place our hope and trust in Him.
Psalm 37:5-6 “Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”
?This text starts by instructing us to “Commit our ways to the Lord.” This is the instruction that encourages us to take all our cares, pressures, trials, difficulties, sicknesses, diseases and necessities and to commit them to the Lord. It does not really matter whether you are in a position to handle them or not, the rule is to turn them over to Jesus. In doing this, we confess to the Lord that we are incapable and inadequate to truly get the best out of these situations and we place them in His control because our trust and faith is in Him and in Him alone. We commend all these things to God by fervent prayer, waiting upon the Lord, referring them to His goodwill, knowing well that He is fully capable of handling them all. While we do this we also place our resources into His hands, by first bringing our tithes into the storehouse of God. We cannot expect God to intervene and assist us when we deliberately rob Him of that which He commands us to bring into His house. That act of giving to God first, demonstrates our trust in Him over everything else!
?Committing our ways to God is the initial act of our lives, and it does not stop there. Trusting in Him follows thereafter. Our trust in God opens up the way for God to act on our behalf. When we learn to take God’s Word as the ultimate authority over our lives, we quickly get the attention of God over our lives. You see, even God acknowledges His Word above everything else. When we do that, we identify with Him and the way in which He operates. That act of trust in Him pleases Him. Remember that without faith it is impossible to please God. That trust that I speak about is faith in Him. When our focus is on the Lord of our lives, our lives come into His focus as well. While the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, it does not mean that God does not see what the others do. It simply means that God takes note of our righteous deeds and He will reward us in due season. God is waiting on us to relate to Him and place Him as the source of our very existence. Consider that God has done everything possible to reach out to us, make the sacrifice for our sins, pay the price of the shed blood of Jesus at Calvary and He waits on us for our response to Him.
?This text ends by telling us: “And He shall bring it to pass.” These are powerful words that affect the outcome of every individual who seriously place their hope and trust in God. Trusting in God and allowing God to define who you are is the wisest thing any person on earth can do. Placing our hope and trust in the One who Created us, Loves us and Cares for us more than anyone or anything else is certainly worth doing. Remember that we see things from a one sided view, or a single dimensional view while God sees it from every side. He knows the in and the outs of everything that is happening. So when we put our faith and trust in Him, He acts on our behalf and no one can wood-wink Him. He looks into the heart of every situation and sees the intentions and whether there are ulterior motives, and He is able to guide us through on whether we accept it or not. God is in the best position to help us and bring us through because He has wired us up to overcome, provided we stay connected to Him!
?[I pray that God will continue to Bless, Protect and Provide for you, even as you take care of the Family of God by contributing and supporting His Work.]