Wire Cup Brushes
Cup brushes are used for removal of scale, rust, and paint, as well as for deburring and polishing. Different duty levels and fill materials are available to suit a wide variety of tasks in surface preparation, burr removal, and finishing operations.
Standard Duty Knot Cup Brushes: For use with electric or pneumatic high speed grinders for heavy duty cleaning of large surfaces. Remove weld scale, rust, old paint, and corrosion. Available in multiple formats to suit your job needs
Standard Duty Cup Brushes: Designed for removing scale, rust, and paint and other surface preparation including deburring and polishing. Larger format allows coverage of large surface areas. Standard fill materials include carbon steel, stainless steel, brass, and bronze wire, plus abrasive nylon, nylon, and treated or untreated tampico fiber. A 5/8″-11 threaded arbor hole is standard. Other fill materials and arbor hole sizes are available on special order. Recommended maximum safe free speed ranges from 6,000 rpm to 9,000 rpm. Diameters include 3â€, 4″, 5″ and 6″.
Need samples of more information on the Taipan Wire Brush selection? sales@taipancanada.com | 855 461 6293