Wir sind jetzt offiziell von der FIBAA zertifiziert!
Swiss Connect Academy Deutschland GmbH
Wir bringen Profis die Freude am Lernen wieder n?her!
We are now officially certified by #FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) with the “Excellence in Digital Education” quality label in the “Premium” quality category.
This certification, which is particularly recognized in Switzerland, Austria and particularly in Germany, is the result of numerous evaluations of the quality of our teaching and is therefore a very gratifying achievement for SCA and our team! It’s an award highest quality in digital teaching (methods, platform, technical support)
What does this mean for Swiss Connect Academy?
It is also an international recognition of the quality of our trainings
Link zu unserer Seite: https://sca.online/blog/new-certification-for-swiss-connect-academy-fibaa/