Wiping the Mirror Clean of Dust: The Art of Removing Desires
In last week's episode of EZ Conversations, Brigitta Visser joined me, and we had an incredible conversation (Listen Here). Brigitta vulnerably shared her journey of childhood trauma, questionable choices she made along the way, trying to fix others, and finally facing her demons to become the person she is today. I related to many aspects of Brigitta's story, as others can. However, the one thing that jumped out to me was the importance of facing the darkness that most of us experience and often tend to run from. We seek many forms of escape, only to keep falling back until we are ready. As Brigitta mentioned in the episode, the demons we have "are our friends in disguise." These experiences are meant to be our teachers, but we can only learn if we are ready, and sometimes it can take a very long time.
Last week, I also had an experience of my own when I was given a dose of realism. I had become engrossed in pursuing a goal, and as cautious as I had been, I had started fantasizing about a future outcome over time. I slowly became attached to this outcome until reality sunk in. I was disappointed, but I also quickly realized that this was a lesson I needed, so when the goal came to fruition, I was ready for it, which meant I needed to start being that person and continue to focus on humility. As often happens, I synchronically pick up a book that gives me insight into things I am grappling with. On this occasion, I started reading a translation of the Bhagavad Gita. The message I internalized was to show up in this world to perform my duty for self-realization without any expectations, and the rest will take care of itself, as it always does. Separating myself from the ego and connecting to the Self allows us to remain grounded, content and present. And as Birgitta captured in the episode, even hidden within our worst experiences is a lesson we can only internalize when we open ourselves up to the hard truths.
The quote that stood out to me was: "The higher the ideal, however, the more arduously one has to pursue it and the longer one must wait." -The Bhagavad Gita (Jack Hawley)
Therefore, in this week's episode of EZ Reflections, I wanted to talk about how our desires are insatiable and can move us away from our true Selves when we become mired in worldly pursuits. Here are some tools that we can focus on:
Practical Applications and Personal Growth
Many people have found practical ways to apply the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita in their lives, particularly in removing desires and confronting their egos. This has been reflected in various fields such as psychology, leadership, and personal development.
1. Mindfulness and Detachment
2. Leadership and Ego Management
3. Personal Development and Confronting Inner Demons