Steve Woodruff
The elevator pitch is dead - let's get to the point with your Memory Dart! I'll show you how to introduce yourself and your business with outstanding clarity. #ClarityWins #ConfusionLoses
I'm going to do you a favor and introduce you to a one-word song. Those of us "of a certain age" will remember this lively 60's instrumental rock hit, which opens with infectious laughter and a single, compelling word.
Go ahead. Give it a listen.
The Surfaris never made much impact beyond this single classic piece, but the one word describes how I have felt for the past two months.
After a busy year of delivering workshops, writing and launching a book, re-branding, and turning 65, by the time November rolled around, I was wiped out. Exhausted. Out of gas (or, if you drive an EV, out of charge).
Oh, and also welcoming our first grandchild into the world. I mean, c'mon. Talk about cuteness overload (and we have another granddaughter on the way in a few weeks!)
(of course, the new parents are learning the meaning of the term "wiped out" in a much deeper way!)
I can't recall ever feeling quite as depleted as I have at the end of this past year, so I let myself do what is very difficult for a solopreneur to do: I just stopped.
It was time for a long recharge.
I slept - a lot. I read and watched football and movies. I spent a bunch of time with family. I went out on the limb of faith and told myself, "the work will be there in 2024, so shut up and shut down."
Can I let you in on something that's a little scary? When your livelihood is your brain and your heart and your effort, and you're Running On Empty (more classic rock!), you begin to fear - am I washed up?
I wondered: have I become a dead man walking? Will it (the creativity, energy, and drive) come back if I let go and back off?
In another single word: Yes. I'm feeling Alive Again <-(c'mon, click it - what's better on a New Year's Day than Dick Clark and Chicago?)
I'm glad to say, on this first day of 2024, that I'm feeling rejuvenated. And also, after a year of intense tactical execution, I'm regaining perspective and vision. Big ideas. Fresh energy.
You know - clarity.
And let me put in a plug for a book that's been helping me balance the big with the incremental. Atomic Habits, by James Clear. I've tended to exhaust myself with all-or-nothing thinking, which leads to a series of failure loops. The simple but profound way that this book explains the power of small habits to implement change has been very helpful for me. Even an old-timer like me can learn new tricks!
Steve Woodruff is the author of two books about communication clarity - Clarity Wins, and The Point.
Pharma Sales Training Leader
1 年Glad you took care of yourself! Congrats on the next addition to the family and your myriad of accomplishments!
So glad you listened to your instincts. They were clear. Just as you would have them be. Here’s to a great 2024!!!