Wipe your LinkedIn?
Martijn van der Leeden
New Business Developer Energy Conversion & Infrastructure
Admitted, I'm not a fan. Endless scrolling, seeing what some algorithm decided should/could/would/must be interesting for you. Too many people from a past life/career/network. Too many people/organizations that you think 'took a wrong turn' somewhere. Too much pseudo wisdom/science. I'm sorry, I find most of you boring.
Not that you are boring, but it's endless and relentless, this never-ending list.
The Feed.
The ritual dance alongside doing business, the 'modern' way.
I'm not a fan. I'm not on social media other than LinkedIn and WhatsApp (can we call that social media by the way, or can we be honest and call it 'just texting'?). Not that I never have been on social media; I had profiles on Twitter (very shortly), Facebook (bit longer) and Instagram (couple of years). At some point, it all became a draaaaag. Even some sort of cold-turkey experience with Instagram when bailing out. Is this to be inspiring? How is any of this helping me?
What would it look like if you would wipe your LinkedIn every January first (or any other moment actually), and see how LinkedIn helps you as you build up your network throughout that year? How will 'The Feed' start helping you in your work? Will it help you with what you're doing now, rather than drag you back into past lives, past experiences, people with no relevance, articles with no relevance, companies you have no idea what they're doing anymore...
I know, I know.....if you don't pay for the product, you are the product. Maybe I'm na?ve, or a hopeless romantic, and I'm the one that doesn't want to get it.
But one thing I know for sure: the chances that creation starts here are virtually zero.
We can do better.
I can do better.