W.I.P Area

W.I.P Area

I’ve recently tweaked my showreel and website, which feels good to share here. It’s always a valuable exercise in taking stock of where I’m at, what I’ve done, what I want to try and do, or don’t do more of. It’s a chance to try and remember why I chose to pursue a career within motion graphics roughly 5 years ago in the first place.

Much has happened in the last 24-ish months. Mid 2023 I became a dad, we have been trying, and eventually succeeding in buying our first home after multiple down to the wire failed attempts. I’d taken a risk and changed companies I had been working for, primarily for a pay increase, and subsequently have been made redundant from. Within this time, I’ve been doing some learning and honing of skills whilst on paid jobs, but time to work and develop personal projects has obviously had to make way for other very important life projects : )

This isn’t meant to be a woe is me type offload, far from it… It’s more about transparency, and I feel privileged to be in the position I am. I wanted to communicate that there is always other stuff happening in the background, some positive, some negative, that can alter your stance creatively. While I’d love to spend more time making personal work, or art pieces, my life has become enriched in other areas, which I’m hugely thankful for. It just means now I have to try heaps harder to carve out spots of time to build my own work, as the dust is now slowly settling, slightly. ?

Back on the reel update. In the time I’ve had available, I’ve tried to shape it in a way that’s largely the type of work that I’ve enjoyed making and ultimately would like to do more of. These are areas I’d like to explore further, and most reflect my tastes, currently, as I see the reel as something that’s forever a work in progress. It will be changed again within six months, I’m sure.

However, void of making it completely consistent with personal work (I hope that one day I can indulge in that), I’ve chosen to keep some commercial pieces in there for the moment. Not because I particularly align myself with those brands, or have ever aspired to work with them really, but because I have learnt things and pushed my knowledge of this craft through making them.

On my website I’ve partitioned it in a way that commercial work now sits on it’s own, and the reel and R&D areas being more of a curation of what makes me tick, or pieces I’ve really enjoyed seeing come to life.

Thanks for taking the time to read this If you’ve made it this far, I don’t usually put myself out there like this online. Again, this an exercise in self reflection and feedback more than anything, whilst trying to find my way. I’m always open to constructive feedback or conversation that might help other creative practitioners, so please feel free to drop me a line.?


