Winterproofing Your Facility for Contingent Workers

Winterproofing Your Facility for Contingent Workers

Now more than ever, companies are utilizing contingent workers to meet deadlines, prepare for the holidays and get back on track from COVID-19. It is important to understand the need for winter-proofing facilities to be prepared for workers. Organizations want to be ahead of winter weather and conditions, not only physically for safety but also to prepare contingent workers to be comfortable in the workplace.

Prepare your facility indoors and out

Prepare your facility this winter to be ready for different scenarios that may arise. With winter weather on the way, make sure parking lots are clear of snow and ice, have non-slip mats in entryways to prevent slips, and have salt or other melting agents available. Be sure to communicate any changes in entrance and exit locations due to weather, as well as consider indoor solutions for those who may work outside.??

Did you know…

Nearly 25,000 slip, trip, and fall accidents happen in the workplace daily in the United States according to the National Safety Council. In the winter season, snow, slush, and ice multiply those numbers and create increased risk. Prepare your facility for winter weather early and stock up on supplies before the winter season hits.

Prepare outdoor workers for the winter

Both contingent and permanent employees need to be prepared for outdoor work if necessary. Providing essential PPE is important, to prevent weather-related injuries. Hats, gloves, protective non-slip footwear, and face coverings should be available to workers for safety. Provide areas for warming and shelter- as well as have a plan in place for inclement weather conditions. In this plan, lay out different scenarios for winter weather, processes that should be followed, and whom to contact with questions.

Provide training for weather-related topics

Train all employees, both contingent and permanent, on winter safety, changes in policies, and where they can find communication updates if needed this winter season. Be proactive and inform employees of any changes to work or facility policies as they become available, as well as prepare them in advance about communications regarding weather. Having open lines of communication with employees makes for a happy staff environment. Provide an employee resource of whom to contact, and where to get information and procedures regarding winter safety to share with all employees onsite.

Offer support to those who need it

Winter often can make the days longer and more difficult for some employees. Provide resources to encourage, motivate and enthuse employees. Just because winter is knocking doesn’t mean employees have to be down. Offer friendly competitions, facility programs or employee engagement opportunities to keep employees satisfied and engaged during the winter season.

Looking for contingent winter workers?

Work with a staffing agency to aid in finding winter workers for your facilities. Whether you are focused on meeting deadlines for the end of Q4, staffing up for the holiday season, or working on rebounding from COVID-19, let us help you navigate your staffing needs. With over 65 years of experience, we provide quality candidates to help your business not only sustain but grow.??


