Winter Tree Trimming: Most Important Tips

Winter Tree Trimming: Most Important Tips

With the cold weather season upon us, a lot of our landscaping chores are set aside until the spring and summer come back around. Some added free time is always nice, but tasks like winter tree trimming still need to be managed. It’s easy to make?mistakes when doing this task?so some expert knowledge is required, such as knowing the?best time to do so. Tree trimming is an important responsibility for homeowners and more convenient in the winter, and this is why you should take advantage now!

Our Top Winter Tree Trimming Tips

There are many important tips when it comes to tree trimming in the winter for homeowners! To better understand it, let’s look at the core ones so you are most prepared.

Safety First!

  • The first tip is safety, and it should always come first! Regardless of whatever task you are taking on around your home make sure to be properly prepared.
  • Having the correct safety gear is crucial when taking on duties like this. It’s not as simple as going outside and starting up the lawnmower for an evening mow.
  • Wear eye protection at all times and know how to operate your tools. When climbing into the tree to make a cut, always double-check that you are properly secured.
  • Seeking out professional help for tree trimming is always your best option. They are equipped with the knowledge and skills to get the job done right with the perfect safety measures.

Prepared Pruning

  • The next tip is to know what you’re going to prune, how to make your cuts, and have a plan prepared.
  • Knowing the correct way to prune your tree is imperative so you don’t do any damage or make any improper cuts.
  • Identifying dead, diseased, or unnecessary branches on your trees is a lot easier in the winter too. This marks winter as the prime time to handle this task overall.
  • Also, you should never leave a stub in your trees since this allows for suckers to grow and can ruin the outline of your tree.

Disease and Knowing Your Landscape’s Needs

  • While making your cuts be on the lookout for signs of insect infestations, as well as, any signs of diseases.
  • Both of these can cause tremendous damage to your tree’s health over time. But they can be prevented if caught and treated in time.
  • Not every tree needs trimming in the winter, and it’s vital for you to know which ones around your home require it for the health of your landscape.
  • Seek a professional for an assessment of the trees around your home for information about which ones need to be trimmed this season.

Make Ease Of The More Demanding Chores

Winter tree trimming can be a tough chore to take on alone and almost seem like a burden. With more difficult landscaping tasks like this never hesitate to call in help, and that’s where Chorbie has your back! We look forward to assisting you with any questions or concerns you have about your lawn care or landscape,?contact us now to get started.

Tree trimming is guaranteed positive benefits for your yard and a no-brainer, so get started by knowing the?mistakes to avoid!



