Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

For the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice falls on December 22, 2022. This is the day when we have the least amount of daylight, the shortest day of the year.

Think of it this way: Although the winter solstice means the start of winter, it also means the return of more sunlight. It only gets brighter from here!

After December 22, the days begin?to once again grow longer and longer until we reach the summer solstice—the first day of summer and the longest day of the year.

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Do you struggle to be honest with yourself and others?

Do you agree to do something because it’s hard to say no and then find that you are resentful later?

You may be angry at the person for even asking you and also upset with yourself that you agreed without checking within yourself and asking

Is this something I really want to do?

Is this something I have the time for?

What are my choices?

Let me help you get clarity

Set boundaries

Overcome self-imposed limitations

Clear unconscious blocks that may be holding you back

Learn to embrace your strengths

Express your truth with care and kindness

Let me help you see your light

Feel the feeling of your wish fulfilled

View any problem as a puzzle to be solved and a challenge to overcome so you can hold your head high.

Walk in the light

Spring into action creating the future you are dreaming of

Learn to trust that inner voice

To be able to distinguish between the inner critic and your wise intuition.

This is a time for you to decide which area of your life you want to uncover, to bring to light.

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Are you in alignment with your career direction?

Are you being paid what you are worth?

Are you feeling motivated to start your work day?

As we move toward the new year, during this winter solstice period of going within, what you discover can lead to establishing resolutions and setting positive intentions for the new year going forward.

You’re preparing yourself to spring into action as winter ends with more daylight hours to achieve your goals.

Look no further then right here for a coach and therapist to guide and support you.

Jumpstart your new life today!

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Click the photo to book your Free discovery call


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