No Winter Slow Down
It's been a few months since I've posted anything on LinkedIn. I've been serving as the Interim City Administrator since August and we've had a lot of projects and programs to address during the transition. This morning I took a few minutes to look around me. The calendar says it's December but there hasn't been any slow down in activity in our community.
Monday was a prime example. In the morning, I attended the McPherson County Commission meeting to ask if they would partner with the City of Moundridge on a new Neighborhood Revitalization Program to encourage commercial building improvements in the downtown business district.
After the County Commission meeting, I was in the office of our school Superintendent discussing the Neighborhood Revitalization Program and an update on the construction progress at the school.
In the afternoon, contractors poured the first batch of concrete at the new swimming pool. More will be poured on Friday if the weather cooperates.
At the same time our utility crew was working with another contractor trenching in over 2,000 feet of gas line to the Handke housing addition in preparation for construction of several new homes.
Downtown, a new sign was installed on the front of the Block 32 building. No date was given, but El Paso Mexican Grill will be opening soon.
Tuesday, I'll be meeting with the Library Director and an architect to discuss plans for converting a church into a new Library in 2021.
Later in the day I will have a chance to check out the progress that has been made on construction of a new electrical substation and the preparations that are being made for construction of the 75 foot poles that will carry the power lines from a substation 3 miles south of town.
Moundridge is a community that seems to always have something new under construction. Homes are being built, new businesses are coming and existing businesses are expanding.
We are fortunate to have so much activity from businesses and residents who are willing to continue to invest in our community.
(Check out our YouTube Channel with over 50 videos of Moundridge)
Sales Manager at Consolidated Printing A Division of Acoustic Sounds
3 年Moundridge looks like it is on the MOVE??
America's Criminologist -
3 年Nice job Murray!