This Winter fight Sinusitis with these top 3 Ayurvedic Herbs.
Prachika Raizada
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Winters are here and so are the problems related to this season. Sinusitis is one of the disorders which brings extreme discomfort and painful symptoms. But before, knowing the right treatment one must understand what actually the disease is.?
So, the following sections will cover the topics related to Sinusitis and how Ayurveda helps in overcoming the disorder.?
What are sinuses?
The sinuses are the air pockets or the air sacs which are present in the skull. These are present behind the forehead, nasal bones, cheekbones, and eyes.?
Usually, the sinuses are free from the germ, bacteria, viruses, and other foreign pathogens. The main functions of the sinuses are mentioned below:
What is Sinusitis?
It means inflammation. So, sinusitis clearly means when there is an inflammation of the lining of the sinuses. When the sinuses are blocked, the fluid is filled within them. The main cause is cold and allergies.?
Triggers of sinusitis:
Why does it trigger in winter?
Ayurveda perspective
The Ayurvedic term for sinusitis is ‘Pinas’.The nasal cavity is referred to as shirodwar. When any kind of obstruction occurs it results in sinusitis.?
The imbalance of tridoshas (Vata Dosha, Pitta Dosha, Kapha Dosha) is responsible for sinusitis.?
The main responsible Dosha is Kapha Dosha as the aggravation blocks the passage of Vata (air) in the nasal region.?
When there is imbalanced Pitta Dosha it results in inflammation (shoth) and irritation in the nasal cavity region. The tissues and inner lining of the sinuses are affected the most. ?
Ayurvedic treatment for sinus is considered the safest as with all the natural ways, Ayurveda delivers the best and most effective result.?
Ayurvedic treatment for sinusitis:?
Ayurvedic treatment is a holistic way that combines the usage of herbs, and dietary and lifestyle changes to heal the disorders. The herbs are derived from nature and give no side effects and heal the body wonderfully!
Herbs for Sinusitis
It is referred to as ardrakam/shuntha in the Sanskrit language. Ayurveda considers it as vishwabhesaj, which means universal medicine.?
Ginger is considered the most sattvic of the species and herb. Sattvic must be understood as something which is infused with clarity, compassion, wisdom, lightness, and intelligence. This herb is combined with other herbs and is used perfectly for sinusitis treatment in ayurveda.?
Consumption of ginger helps in balancing the Vata Dosha and Kapha Dosha. It may also elevate the level of low Pitta Dosha. It helps wonderfully in treating sinusitis problems. As it helps with Agni and strong digestion results in boosting the immune system which means more Ojas. This will eventually help with more strength, vigor, and energy.?
Mode of consumption:
2. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum Linn):?
Holy basil is antitussive in nature which means it helps in reducing the cough. It highly helps with expelling phlegm from the chest (expectorant) and strengthens the immune system.?
Additionally, with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, tulsi helps in fighting off infections.?
Not only tulsi has high sattva it also helps in maintaining the normal body temperature which is referred to as prabhava in Ayurveda. It has a strong heating virya (energy) and balances the Vata Dosha and Kapha Dosha not only in the lungs but in the head and nerves too.?
Mode of consumption:
3. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra):
In the Sanskrit language, licorice is called yasthimadhu and commonly called mulethi in households. It means sweet stick.?
This herb is best for balancing the Kapha Dosha and Vata Dosha.? It also has Sattvic quality, which calms the mind and soothes the nervous system.?
The taste (Rasa) of this herb is sweet which is referred to as madhura. It acts as a decongestant which clears the blockages and drains the sinuses. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-viral properties which not only prevent bacterial, and viral infections but also put a great fight to the symptoms of sinusitis.?
Due to its sheetal (cooling) virya (action) it increases Kapha Dosha when taken in large quantities. So, before consuming consult the Ayurvedic expert for the right dosage.?
This stands for all the herbs as Ayurvedic practitioners will analyze the Prakriti of the patient before prescribing the dosage and the right herb which is suitable for the respective health condition.?
Mode of consumption:
For the quick, right, and effective sinusitis treatment in ayurveda, one must ensure he/she consults the experts, it is okay to take the herbs, but the tridoshas are well analyzed by the doctors. So, take care of your health and your loved ones with Ayurveda.?
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