Winter is coming...

Winter is coming...

Personally, I hate the cold and winter has always been challenging for my mood and overall wellbeing. The Master Plumbers five pillars of wellbeing is a good reminder to have that self check in:


It’s a challenge for anyone in this current environment to spend up large on groceries. Remember you can eat healthy on a budget – try seasonal produce and cheaper cuts of meat slow cooked. It only takes good planning and time. I usually set aside Sunday to do my grocery shop and plan for the week.

Keep an eye out for HelloFresh promotions. There are some good deals to be had there and it can save you lots of time when you have everything ready to go. Also check out Jamie Oliver cheap and cheerful recipes:


How hard is it to get out of bed in the winter months? As the days get shorter, we have less motivation to take part in physical activity outside of work. Try and keep the exercise up because it will help with sleep quality and stress management. It could be as simple as a lunchtime walk or a bike ride on the weekend.


It can be tempting to hibernate from the outside world when it’s cold. The pandemic and the associated restrictions haven’t helped this, with many choosing to stay home out of personal health concerns. Isolation can have a negative effect on your mental health, so even if you can’t get out, keep in touch with friends and family via Facetime/social media or a simple phone call.


This is the easiest thing for me to do in the winter months. I can’t sit still at any time, so am always looking for things to do. However, this is not the same for everyone and many struggle in the winter months to find the motivation or energy to exercise. Combine this pillar with ‘Connect’ and head to the gym or out for a run with a mate. Even though plumbing is a physically active job, making time for exercise outside work will help clear your mind and keep the winter blues at bay.


Keep doing the things you enjoy during the winter months. Try not to sweat the small stuff and focus on the things you can control rather than worrying about the things you can’t. Dull weather can play havoc with your mood and lack of sun has a negative effect on mental wellbeing. Identify your signs and don’t be scared to reach out to someone when you need a yarn or to share a problem.

Wellbeing Coach – Kereama Carmody



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