Alette Bester
Pastor at Created To Worship Ministries SA Registration Number 241-304 NPO
Winter is fast approaching, and Covit-19 and the compulsory lockdown have made all of us acutely aware of the desperate situation of too many of the elderly, widows, orphans, and the poor.
We appeal for your assistance to help us provide dire needs like blankets, pillows, warm clothing, and any other donations you may be able to contribute.
Donations may be delivered to our offices at 63 George Storrar Drive in Groenkloof, or will be collected in the Pretoria area. Please contact me on 0826526663 for any queries or arrangements.
We distribute to an ever-growing number of less fortunate communities eg. Exodus Care Centre, Jacaranda Children’s Home, Herberg Children’s Home, Lily of the Valley, Abraham Kriel Children’s Home, Cradock Care for the Needy, Spreading the Love, to name but a few.
Should you know of a cause that is really facing difficulty, please contact us so we may evaluate how we may be of assistance.
?Should you wish to contribute financially to this ministry, we assure you that all funds are utilised to assist these people – proof can be provided on request.
Deposits may be made to:
Created To Worship Ministries SA
Account number 62848275279
Brooklyn 251345
Kindly advise by e-mail should you require acknowledgement of your donation: [email protected]
Thanking you in advance and may God bless you
Pastor Alette Bester