Winston Grieco ( June 2012-January 25th 2021)
Patricia Grieco MBA, CPA, CIPS
“ I help busy humans achieve their real estate dreams and goals”
What our dogs teach us:
1) Reverence to life: as we are here on the earth for a short stay. 2) Family is the most important thing in our lives.
3) Time spent really "living and feeling" matters 4) Our gestures make a change in other people's and our pet's lives. 5) We have to enjoy life as we never know how much we have left.
6) Our pets have a soul and respond to all our cues. As we are with them they will be with us.
7) Love is unlimited and the more you share the more you have.
8) Once you have a pet in your life, and especially one like Winston, there will always a big space to fill in your heart for pets and a huge love for them.
9) We have to be more aware of our feelings and our real goals in life.
10) Time is ticking, make it worth it!
11) To put things in perspective
12) To love intensely!
My advice to you: - Have a pet in your life and you will know more about yourself. - Have a pet in your life and you will know about unconditional love. Yes, I am sad, very sad. All our family is sad but we are so grateful we had the courage to take this risk already knowing that we were in a dream with an expiration time. I don't regret it at all and will be always a pet promoter and lover!