A Winning Youth Development Model: Teens as Instructors
I attended the Epsilon Sigma Phi conference in Billings, Montana to learn more from all of my Cooperative Extension colleagues, in all departments with all focuses. We're an impressive group!
But I do have a soft spot for fellow 4-H professionals, especially those highlighting teens-as-instructors models.
Huge congrats to my 4-H colleagues in West Virginia University Cooperative Extension: Margaret Miltenberger, Brooke Alt, Kelly Hicks, Amanda Johnson, and Mollie Troppe! Their poster highlights the Experiential Learning model through teen training opportunities, like STEM Ambassadors.
I snapped a photo of their poster presentation because I was so impressed:
The Teen Pollinator Habitat Ambassador program also trains teens to be trainers of younger youth, which is why I am a believer in this model!