Winning with Systems
Hussein Hamka
Health and Performance - Transforming Employee Heath > Facilitator > Consultant > Coach > Sales Director
'Loses have goals. Winners have systems'. - Scott Adams
According to Scott Adams, asking yourself what processes and habits you can consistently enact to attain desired skills and outcomes is more effective than creating goals. In other words, understanding how you're going to get somewhere is far more useful than aiming for a specific goal with no direction or actions on where to begin from a skill acquisition perspective.
Commonly known as the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, his books however bring larger ideas to effective personal growth that we can thematically apply to any area of life.
Personally, his idea Systems v Goals has helped build guidelines on my health and wellbeing lifestyle while not being attached to or needing any long term finish line. The idea becomes more about who you want to be, not delegating any fulfilment or accomplishment - where motivation is finite.
For example for my training and wellbeing I have system applied where I don't eat any carbohydrates early in my day and instead digest quality fats which helps my brain function and performance. Although it helps me feel better, it also allows me to perform better both mentally and physically. I can then apply my energy into my work areas I'm most focussed on improving.
Below is a list of daily habits that are built in systems that help me operate at my best, rather than being attached to a short or long term goal. The unique thing about this adaption in mindset, is that randomly short term goals and opportunities will present themselves as an outcome of your systems. For example, my training and nutrition system helped me perform my best and presented an opportunity to compete in a physique competition with four weeks to prepare.
System examples:
- Journal every morning to help focus my body and mind on the day ahead
- Training every morning fasted in a fat adapted state
- Write a piece of content every day - exploring the creative side of the mind
- Do something for someone else. eg. Write a training plan, or give a friend a call who could do with a chat regarding current life projects.
- Read everyday
- Eat a high fat diet
The above systems are daily habits I prioritise daily. The don't necessarily apply to specific goals in which I'm striving for. Rather they do the opposite, they allow me to be mentally and physically my best daily, uplifting my spirit and energy in everything I attack.
What systems and habits can you build today to attract a growing, developed and more optimal version of yourself?
What are your systems?