Winning Sales Tips for 2025!
They say great salespeople are born.
To a point, they are right – some have more natural talent than others.
BUT most often, someone with less talent is more successful.
How can that be?
It boils down to how badly you WANT to be the best of the best.
?The “want”, is made up of the application of these 10 sales tips; that in turn will make you a great Sales Professional, without more natural talent.
?How badly do you want to be the best?
Apply these valuable tips to become the BEST ~
?1.???Don’t be late
There is nothing more disrespectful to a Customer, than a salesperson pitching up late for an appointment.
Yes, of course there are traffic issues. The answer is to simply leave earlier.
Punctuality is a key in showing your professionalism & indicates the service the Customer can expect.
A strong work ethic is vital to a company achieving its goals.
Personal integrity is even more vital for a sales Professional.
People buy from suppliers they like & trust.
while it may take years to build personal integrity it takes just one show of bad faith to destroy it.
?A challenge.
Rate your daily effort, on a scale from 1 to 10.
How do you shape up?
Sure, effort alone doesn’t carve the way to success on its own, but consistent commitment is a vital ingredient.
Do you have energy, in your work, in your enthusiasm & actions?
This energy positively effects those around you.
Have you noticed how a person with high energy levels, stimulates those around them, in following suit?
It is contagious & lifts the moods entirely.
It encourages others to work harder & be better, just by rubbing shoulders with you.
These are the people who are positive, with a “can do” attitude & an obvious appetite for life.
Good energy, good work, good life.
Who creates your attitude – YOU & only YOU
I saw a poster displayed on the office wall of one of the most positive people I had ever met – the message was “while you were deciding on whether the glass was half full or empty, I drank the contents, thank you”
A positive attitude is infectious.
Be the most positive person in the room! is something bosses look for in every employee.
I made a mistake once of asking a supplier’s Rep how they were. 10 minutes later they were still going on about how bad things were……………………………….
Never bought from that company again!
Passion is the fuel that gets us going.
Passion is what makes it happen.
7.??Keep thirsting for more knowledge
Never believe you know everything.
having trained 100’s of salespeople, it still bothers me when I come across a “know all” who will not even attempt to take in knowledge shared.
As a Trainer, I most certainly do not know everything by any means, even after 40 years in business.
I learn as much as the knowledge imparted to the Delegates.
8. Go the extra mile
You may be good at what you do.
BUT you can do better; simply by doing more!
Being good is never good enough to the true sales Professional.
going the extra mile; delivering more than is expected, by you boss & Customer, should be an integral part of your daily routine.
9. Prepare
Once, I had arranged to go out with a sales Rep.
when we got into the car, he asked “who would you like to go & visit today?”
Every professional is fully prepared. The more prepared you are, the better your chance of success.
Without pre-call preparation, you are in effect, insulting the Customers you will be visiting - they expect & deserve to have a knowledgeable, reliable professional – YOU - on their side.
?10. Thank you
Why have people forgotten these two magic words?
The power of a thank you is immeasurable!
Even when your proposal has been turned down, accept it graciously & say THANK YOU.
(then go away & analyse what you could have done better)
Thank your colleagues for work well done, when they assist your Customers -they will go out of their way to do it again & again.
?None of these tips can be taught.
None of these tips require talent.
They DO require YOU to WANT to be the very best you can be!
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