Winning the Review Game
Scott Trueblood
CREATE & MANAGE focused, brand-centric marketing plans that help ATTORNEYS increase revenue | From brand concept to plan execution |
Reviews are becoming more and more important in your company’s online marketing efforts. Not long ago, high organic rankings was enough. Now, the coveted position is not just a page one ranking. No, today you want to be among the Google Local Pack. However, even that is not enough. After all, if there are four local businesses listed…one sits atop the list with a 3-Star Review average and another anchors the list with a 4-Star Rating…who will get the clicks?
With that in mind, here are the keys to winning today’s Review Game.
What’s the Plan?
Sitting back and hoping that a flock of reviews are going to fly your way is not a recipe for success. Let’s face facts…people love to spout off about a bad experience. “Fighting back” with a negative review is therapeutic. However, getting people to leave a kind word about a good experience is usually a lot tougher.
With that in mind, a systematic plan is needed to reach out to people with the goal of prompting them to share those positive experiences with others. This will help level the playing field from the ‘not-so-satisfied’ and serve to boost your overall average while building a solid volume of reviews.
A Solid Brand Relationship…
Simply put: Brands are about relationships. The more positive experience a consumer has had with your brand from touchpoint to touchpoint, the more positive memories ‘stuff’ that mental folder marked with your company in the consumer’s mind.
It’s important to create that sense of relationship with the customer so they have a warm, fuzzy collection of thoughts with your brand. This enhances the chance that they are eager…or at least willing…to share a kind thought with others. It’s vital to turn customers/clients into advocates. This can’t be done without a relationship-centric brand. With such a brand identity, achieving more willing reviewers who are posting positive reviews is far more likely.
Consistency & Volume
With a solid plan and brand in tow, the next word is one of my Dad’s favorites: Sticktoitiveness.
It means keep pluggin’…keep working…until the goal is reached. In other words, be consistent and persistent in reaching out to your customers. You can’t annoy or disrupt, but you can gently nudge. This is where that positive brand relationship really helps.
Ultimately, the name of the game in Review world is volume. To mitigate any negative feedback and recover your overall average from that one or two star reviewer, you need volume.
Let Us Know if We Can Help…
BrandVision’s Review Burst is designed to provide you with a systematic plan that enhances your brand’s relationship with consumers, but also encourages them to post a good word about their experiences as well. It’s a low-cost way to help boost local SEO while driving more an more of positive reviews. Plus, it’s turn-key to you. Yes, you have a dashboard that you can log into at any time to check progress. However, we do all the work and you receive monthly or bi-monthly reports as to the progress. Want to learn more? Book an Appointment with an Account Manager today at: