Winning is not the point!!! Huh!

Winning is not the point!!! Huh!

Am I on mark with the goals I have set..... Is it all going to be worth it?

We all face this dilemma and internal questioning from time to time. Whenever such thoughts come to your mind we should remain mindful of few things -

Have gratitude for how far you have come...

It is okay to have problems... challenges... struggle...

It is okay to want more.... aspire for more...

These problems/challenges give you something to work for and without them you would not savor your success anyways!

Acknowledge your problems, understand them, carve out your path ahead but do not be overwhelmed even if you aren't near your target!!

Remember - You have a purpose... a vision and you have something in hand to work towards your dream, which is far better than having nothing to do - at all. If you haven't yet achieved your goal... you have still come ahead of some milestones in the process of accomplishing your goals. The process is always more important than achieving the ultimate goal because in the process of achieving the goal you become a better version of yourself by keeping the positive spirit and mindset.

So, go ahead, persevere - sincerely and with dedication to reap the results of the hard-work you are doing.... Focus on what can go right, take baby steps but don't quit. Remember the reason of WHY you started this journey and your purpose.... because the people who work for something are always a winner and winners never quit!

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