The Winning Formula
Neil Tuson
The Architect of Character | The Man Who Cracked the Code on Team Success | The World's First Character-Based Team Assessment Tool | Redefining Team Assessments | Delivering Leadership Training | Licensing |
I recently posted something I’d written on ‘Will’. It’s the thing I most respect in life, both in myself and others. People that do the things they say they’ll do, often long after the initial impetus has faded, that’s what gets my admiration. Their motivation has become imbued, part of their everyday psyche.
Personally, I find willpower extremely useful in my physical life. When I was younger I ran marathons and raced 10ks & 5ks. It was the daily discipline of getting up at 05:30 and going for a ten-mile training run before setting off to work. It was the evening track workouts and the weekend races, or longer training runs. Now I’m older it’s about endurance walking, getting up before six every working day to get in an hour’s walking before the day’s labour begins. Making sure I do a six, seven, eight hour yomp at the weekend somewhere in the Surrey hills. Always soaking in the changing seasons, the shift in the light, pre-dawn visions of the phases of the Moon and the visible planets, sunrises and the sudden flight of the crows leaving their roosts. The mornings are always the most magical.
It's safe to assume that I have willpower. I like to think that I have it in abundance. What puzzles me, though, is that although I have it with respect to my physical aspect I seem to completely lack it when it comes to my financial. Why is that?
The physical seems, to me, to be completely logical. Get up. Go walk/run. Rest. Increase. Repeat. There is a direct correlation between cause and effect. It’s a winning formula. Is there a similar formula for creating wealth, financial freedom? If there is I have yet to identify or discover it. Let’s see if I can.
Money is an output. It comes from doing something. For most people it derives from having a job, a career, working for someone. As a result, they get paid for their time, effort, labour, with a pay-check, an annual salary, and sometimes if they’re fortunate a bonus. Most people are therefore tied into the security of being a slave to the salary, and providing things go well and they avoid being fired, made redundant, screwing things up, they will progress and accrue the rewards of climbing the ladder of success. In all probability this is the abiding dream of the majority of working people, especially those that find themselves in the professional classes.
??????????? For some people, either through circumstances, or choice, they don’t want to be tied to one employer and so they choose to freelance, bartering their time and skills to one employer after another, going from one contract to another like a hired gun for sale.
??????????? Similar to the freelancers are the artisans. These are people with a specific talent, disposition, or skill that enables them to make money by selling things they have created. They have a craft that is valued by other people and so they can sell their wares, be it pottery, cabinets, paintings, or mousetraps. Historically this would have been the world of wheelwrights, coopers, tailors, and cobblers, the world of guilds, apprenticeships, and craftmanship. Today you could add the legions of consultants, coaches, and specialists, many of them casualties from recent corporate restructures, that have all hung their shingles up by their front doors advertising they are open for business.
??????????? Akin to the artisans are the innovators. These are the creators, and inventors who are quite often frustrated with their previous employers and have decided to go it alone and do it their own way. Quite possibly writers could be included in this category. Inventors and creators just love to play. They have a need to take something, make it better, and claim it as their own. They are never happy with the status quo and thirst to do something new. The buzz is in the change, the adventure. The term most widely used to describe this group (particularly since the 1980s) is the ‘Entrepreneur’. What happened is that economic instability, and a growing lack of trust in large traditional institutions, led to people to look for ways to take control of their own financial freedom, and create their own sense of stability. This was equally matched with new technologies emerging that would change the face of work for ever. The new dream was no longer to climb the corporate ladder but to create your own ladder, and the stars to follow were initially Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs, with Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk coming twenty years later. Entrepreneurs par excellence.
??????????? But what of the lonely solopreneur, a person like me? The person with the next big thing that is yet to take off. What is the winning formula which they can follow, use, and apply willpower to make it happen?
?? ???????? I wrote a paper many years ago called ‘The Story of Building a Business’. In it I outlined the following process:
1.???? Create a product.
2.???? Position the product.
·?????? Branding
·?????? Packaging
·?????? Promotion
3.???? Distribute the product.
·?????? Find outlets.
·?????? Find wholesalers.
·?????? Find re-sellers.
4.???? Market the product.
·?????? Advertising.
·?????? Marketing.
·?????? PR.
5.???? Sell the product.
·?????? Face-to-face appointments.
·?????? Customer conversion.
6.???? Deliver the product.
·?????? Match your client’s expectations.
7.???? Service your client base
·?????? Exceed customer expectations.
·?????? Ask for referrals/recommendations.
·?????? Gain testimonials & case studies.
And I expect this is where my frustration with exerting my will comes in, viz a viz building a business, because there are too many factors at play, many of which are out of my individual control. It is no longer ‘Get up. Go walk/run. Rest. Increase. Repeat’. Or could it be? How do I extract that simple winning formula from the multiplicity of factors at play?
??????????? One way is to carry out a contextual audit. Looking at the process above what are the important factors in generating revenue for any aspiring business?
The steps are summarised in the table below.
To self-audit, simply ask yourself the question:
Would you give yourself a tick (√) that that component is completely satisfied, a neutral (-) that something is occurring, or a cross (x) that it definitely needs some attention?
In this way you can quickly and easily score your business.
·????? 3 for a tick,
·????? 1 for a neutral, and
·????? zero for a cross.
It is immediately and glaringly apparent where my problems lay in my own business.
The revenue is not flowing because there is a complete blockage with sales, marketing, and distribution. These are the key components that need fixing. Now.
Distribution: Need partners, re-sellers, and more licensees, people that have access to markets (i.e. teams that need help)
Marketing: Not generating enough new enquiries. We’ve not had one in-bound enquiry from LinkedIn, the website, the blogs, the articles, the email campaigns since September 2022. The phone no longer rings.
Sales: Have a process but not seeing enough people. There is a lack of people to talk to, therefore there is a lack of conversions from conversations.
If we were to look at it from an old-school analogue perspective – The shop is open, the window display is set, but we don’t know the footfall, and no-body ever comes into the shop.????
I do know from a very old experience that the secret to sales is activity. When I first started in sales many years ago my first sales manager said to me, “Neil the secret to sales is the following:
I looked at him as if he was mad and spluttered, “What?” “Yep”, he said, “That’s the secret to sales. See three people a day. Eyeball to eyeball, Belly to Belly, and you’ll succeed!”. Years later I just translated it to ‘See-The-People’.
When it comes down to it, sales, outside of technique and processes, is all about activity. If your diary has no appointments in it, to see clients, you are effectively redundant. I once kept a record of my calls for the five years I was working for an organisation. Nearly 18,000 phone calls. Every one of them took me closer to making something happen. Lao Tzu says every journey begins with the first step. In sales every success begins with that first phone call.
??????????? So, what to do? What are the things I can do on a daily disciplined basis to change this up? What can I do to get three face-to-face conversations every day?
And I sense this is a dilemma facing every entrepreneur today, everyone who has hung their shingle up outside their front door and said to the world, “I’m open for business”. How do I sell myself? How do I get clients? How do I differentiate myself from everyone else out there?
My conclusions?
·????? Talk to all existing clients.
·????? Ask for referrals.
·????? Talk to everyone who has ever put their hand up and expressed an interest in what ‘Perfect Teams’ can do.
·????? Look for distribution partners. My supermarkets would be multiple users like management & change consultants, training organisations, coaching companies (like Action Coach) that are looking for a product specifically aimed at getting teams more engaged and productive.
·????? HR consultants would also be a useful avenue to explore. Having ‘Perfect Teams’ as an additional tool in their tool-kit would help them to add value to their own clients.
·????? Non-Executive Directors (NEDs), like HR consultants, are also always looking for ways to add value to their portfolio of clients. They should also be well placed for recommending a new tool to help with team development especially if they are overseeing any Merger & Acquisition projects.
·????? Create some compelling marketing/PR.
·????? Create a prospect list. Reach out. Call them.
Daily formula:
·????? Identify 10 people a day who would be my ideal client.
·????? Extend an invitation.
·????? Call them seeking an appointment.
·????? Goal is 10 appointments per week.
·????? Look for speaking engagements, ideally one per month.
A client can be seen three different ways:
1.???? Someone that works for an organisation and wishes to bring ‘Perfect Teams’ in as a tool to help with internal team development. After the initial consultation they may wish to go deeper with additional coaching and training.
2.???? Someone that has experienced the efficacy of ‘Perfect Teams’ and wishes to become an accredited licensee and use the IP for their own practice.
3.???? Someone that wishes to become a ‘Perfect Teams’ partner and help us take the concept to the world.
This started out as a ponder on something I’d written on ‘Will’. I stated that to me, “It’s the thing I most respect in life, both in myself and others. People that do the things they say they’ll do, often long after the initial impetus has faded, that’s what gets my admiration. Their motivation has become imbued, part of their everyday psyche”.
Acknowledging the usefulness of ‘Will’, I was puzzled as to why I had it in abundance in my ‘physical’ world but lacked it in my ‘financial’ realm. I could see that I had a simple winning formula for the ‘physical’: Get up. Go walk/run. Rest. Increase. Repeat. But lacked one for the ‘financial’.
I have now identified that there is indeed one for the ‘financial’:
·????? Identify 10 ideal clients today.
·????? Invite 10.
·????? Call.
·????? Have 10 appointments per week.
·????? Find one speaking event per month.
Do I have the ‘Will’ to make it so? Let’s see if it produces any fruits.
January 8th, 2024 – QED
What is Perfect Teams?
We’d love to introduce you and your team to the Perfect Teams process. We will share the key concepts that make teams work. You will immediately be able to use them to improve team performance, engagement, and profit. The core Perfect Teams message is: “Teams don’t work … unless … you have the right tools to help you”.
There are seven elements that make a team perfect. The key is communication. You will be introduced to our seminal tool, that enables you to see why you instantly connect to some people and find it more difficult with others. You will also discover how to begin to construct your own perfect teams, by identifying the right mix of characters. It starts with each person knowing themselves first.
Our workshops and presentations are always highly participative. You will get you engaged, and you will leave with a common understanding of both yourself, and your own perfect team.
Not sure what help you need?
If you are not sure what will work for you? Or if you need additional help in choosing options? Have an initial call with me to discuss what help or support you believe you need. We are here to help you and your team. I promise no hard sell and no obligation to buy. I simply want to help you create your Perfect Team.
If you’re not sure, and would like to know more, call us on the number ending in four. +44 (0) 208 337 6804.
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