A winning culture - Create it.

A winning culture - Create it.

There is a direct correlation between success and culture, winning organisational cultures put employees and their relationship to the company and its goals as a priority, which creates a positive employee experience. These individuals are likely to be engaged with and passionate about their work, two positive attributes that job seekers can pick up on. 

But before I go into culture and what drives our winning team I want to go back and define what Company Culture or Organisational culture is. 

Company Culture is: the shared values, attitudes and practices that characterise an organisation. It really is the personality of your company and plays a big role in employee satisfaction. 

What are some of the ways that as leaders we can instill a positive culture and increase the overall satisfaction within our teams?

Set clear and defined goals - set goals with your team and ensure they know what success looks like, this doesn't mean having to micro-manage, teams should know what the goals are, have the tools to achieve them and the autonomy to find new and better ways to disrupt and innovate.

This one is the most important to me - Offer mentorship and training - investing time into your teams educational development and progress, it’s also key to staying ahead of the competition. Offer in-house training or if you don’t have the resources, find alternative ways to grow your team, YouTube, Udemy, Podcasts and other online content is readily available and at your fingertips. Why not set an hour aside a week with your team to broaden their knowledge, this will add value to them and to your business.

Partake in social interactions - work hard and play hard too, recognise and acknowledge performance. We know that offering incentives that aren’t financial goes a long way to boost employees and their loyalty. Simple things such as achiever dinners, day spas or a round of golf takes you out of the work space and into building lasting relationships.

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There are different types of culture and I came across a piece that will help in deciding which is the best fit for your business check it out, click here 

There is a reason why companies who are named as a Best Place to Work see high levels of success. That’s because they actively help employees feel and perform at their best, by having a strong and positive culture. 

When last did you actively engage with your team? There’s no time like the present time.


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