Winning The Brain Game
Let’s get right to it…
- Frame problems with questions
- Escape the gravitational pull of experience
- Experiment more, be right just enough
- Mashup solutions
- Reboot to push past the stall points
- Actively recycle ideas of others
- Develop an unbiased perspective
Huh and Why?
To win the games of our brains… and create an elegant solution.
Don’t ya think business should be easier, simpler?
Matthew E. May hit another homer with his new book, Winning The Brain Game: Fixing the 7 Fatal Flaws of Thinking on how to derive better, more elegant solutions in the work we do.
I enjoyed working with Matt on this visual book summary, to capture the high points.
As always… View the visual. Buy and read the book. Go make a change. The world is just asking for you to.