Winning the Battle Over Time

Winning the Battle Over Time

You know Time. It dissipates when we Hesitate; it doesn't wait until we make up our mind. Time does not tolerate indecision.

To live the most of every day of our lives, feeling happy, healthy and wealthy, one requirement is winning the battle over time as we know it. First we are born, then we live, then we die. Linear time.

It can be done (you can win) and IS done every day, yet only by a few of every hundred of us, if that! The obvious questions are: What do they know (that I do not) and What are they doing (that I am not)?

As with success of any kind it starts with distinguishing what we do Not know; what is missing from our learning. We find someone who knows more than we do about the subject. When we learn it, our results improve. Look at our confidence in elementary school we were introduced to 'learning' our times tables! Incessant practice verbalizing, writing, sharing everywhere! Why I used to dance around my house when I figured out the '5's.' "Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty ..." and so on. Remember? So confident as I repeated these (and the tens before long) because they were easy and I felt good about it.

Repetition is the 1st law of learning.

What we do next includes that missing information; it fills in a piece of the puzzle. Then we must practice applying it. This is 'what are you doing' with that new information. Many of us fill our lives with learning 'for the sake of learning' and never apply it. Are we here to merely 'fill our lives' with information we never apply? I did this years ago; taking every workshop and class I could get my hands on! I love learning. However, if I did not at least review my notes from a workshop, in a few days, something else has become 'top of mind' for me.

After twenty five years studying leadership, quantum physics, transformational techniques, spirituality in many forms, universal law and principles, then the last dozen laser focused on filling in what was missing to BE part of the two or three who live in a state of mind and being of happiness, health and wealth, I have found some answers. My work is bringing these concepts to my clients in different forms and applications with precise articulation of critical thinking into easy to understand and apply form.

Life is about living a life that makes us happy ... that includes our lifestyle, bank account, education ... a whole host of things that have value to us. Those things are our results. Consistent results repeated in spaced intervals over time drive momentum and success. The few who live with the prevalent mindset of wealth, health and happiness have found the vital roadmap to predictable results. The information is spread out over 5,000 years of written history, yet until recently there was not one place where you learned the dozen or so 'golden rules' of results. There were no rules until now!

Solving word problems was huge for me until I learned as an adult that there are six algebraic formulas for all word problems. The same is true for setting and achieving goals with consistency over time, thereby 'feeding' the mindset of health, wealth and happiness.

Here is how to 'Win the Battle Over Time' so you can be part of those very few who live life successfully and happily, across the board.

  1. Find the missing information. Where are the 'golden rules of results?' Where are they written ALL in one place?
  2. Set your goal based on those Rules! The more you use the higher your probability of achievement.
  3. Vital: Any opportunity that comes up, ask yourself this question "if I do this right now, will it take me closer to my goal, or not?" If not, discipline yourself to Not do it now. Once you have a clear goal based on the golden rules, the answer to this question becomes routine and easy. Not using the golden rules disallows you from asking this question effectively.

If you want to learn the rules and critical thinking concepts in a three hour intensive, where you get my work on a cellular level (you own it); you next will see yourself creating dozens of goals for the year and knowing their exact order of execution.

Remember only two or three people of each hundred are ready and willing; we are all ready at different times. This annual Goal Setting Intensive occurs online live, low tech, high touch, Friday January 8 from 12-3 pm est. You will have a workbook and this workshop is intense. You must want to ultimately and finally, win the battle over time. You must be willing to invest your time and your money.

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Results will exceed or match your level of investment.


