Winners are unstoppable
Jean Marie Beyinda
Designer UI/UX et Développeur Front-End | Graphic Designer | Flutter Dev | NextJS Dev | Marketing Expert | YouTuber | Developer | Writer | Teacher
Losers give up at the first obstacle which seems too difficult to deal with, while winners are in a totally different ball game. It is very difficult for a winner to give up or be stopped, even when faced with the most difficult challenges.
The average person will give it their best shot, try as much as they can and when it gets beyond them to deal with they will simply step away, that’s the average person. You become a loser when you repeatedly quit the challenges you face but what I call an average person is one who hasn’t yet become neither a winner nor a loser. To become a winner requires one primordial factor which is resilience, no matter how you slice it a winner is a resilient person, one who rarely gives up no matter the challenges he faces in front of him. It doesn’t matter what field, sector, or place in the world, anybody you will consider a winner is a person who never gives up no matter the challenge.
- The best boxer of all time never ran from a fight
- The best businessmen faced countless setbacks and challenges yet they are still there
- The best athletes have been wounded and lost countless times
- The best leaders are those who rose past opposition and countless attacks
To be a winner you must be unstoppable literally, nothing should be able to stop you. I say this because you might think that being a winner is all about being strong, intelligent, competent or successful, that it has to do with your luck and all the opportunities you get, but that’s not always the case.
You have intelligent people who are losers, strong persons who are losers, competent and successful persons who are losers, and they are that because they give up when the going gets tough.
I want to refrain from citing names because it might be controversial. Just think of all the businessmen you know who are still present on the scene. The artists who are still very popular right now, the actors you know and love who keep producing movies for you and many more persons. The losers gave up a long time ago, but the winners still keep going.
Keep in mind here that I am not saying people who fell out of popularity are losers, but rather people who saw a challenge and gave up on fighting it are the losers. For any business man you can see out there still growing and thriving, trust me, they are a very big winner. If you have ever had any experience in doing business, you realize that longevity is the hardest feat to accomplish.
Just to stick with the example of businessmen and women, you can witness times changing, new innovation, competition, environmental crisis and many more challenges which came their way. Yet if they were able to pull it off and still be present at this time it clearly shows you that they are winners, they are unstoppable.
Winners lose
Keep in mind that I didn’t say winners never lose, that’s false, they actually lose all the time. What I said is winners are unstoppable, you just can’t stop them, no matter the wall which stands before them, they figure out a way to deal with it so that they can keep moving forward. Winners lose, they lose so much that they become numb to it, losing for a winner means literally nothing, they take it as a learning opportunity to make their comeback even better. In the world of entrepreneurship they teach you that losing is a part of the journey, you have to lose so much that you start winning.
The average persons resents failure, they hate it, and it has such a negative effect on their minds. Failure traumatizes and eventually discourages these persons from pursuing on their path. Some people will tell you that they applied to over 50 job positions, and they were never called back, so they decide to give up. But I have seen people who have applied to over 1000 job offers, and they were never called back, and they never stopped. The mentality of these two persons is totally different. One person has fewer failures and yet decides to give up, while the other has even more failures and yet keeps going on. Who do you figure will end up winning ?
Luck can be created
Trial and error is the sure way to create your luck, the more you try, the higher your chances of getting lucky. It's like all those gambling games, people keep playing them to increase their chances of winning. The thing with losers is that they assume they should be lucky off the bat. They want to win from their first try, and so when that's not the case, when you don’t get that job at the first few tries, you decide to give up. Winners think differently, again, and again they keep trying and with each try to increase their chances of success, eventually they hit their lucky break.
No problem big enough
When I say winners are unstoppable, I don’t just mean it's difficult for them to abandon, I mean there doesn’t seem to be a problem big enough to stop them. It's easy when we look back at situations to think that they weren’t that big of a deal, but what you have to understand is that the uncertainty and lack of information about a new problem makes it even more difficult to deal with.
So for winners to be able to overcome all these issues repeatedly is no easy feat and for all the winners you see right now, countless losers had to be made. This doesn’t just build a resilient mindset in them but also makes them nearly invincible because they are scared of nothing, they can’t be influenced, and their mindset is as hard as a rock.
For a person who has gone through countless failures, setbacks and issues, its pretty hard to intimidate them or even scare them, they’ve seen it all. Imagine dealing with the toughest difficulties in the world, everything else will feel like a child’s play, but if you never dealt with any major problem then everything will feel difficult.
To be a winner you have to be unstoppable, nothing should be able to prevent you from moving forward. Certainly you can be a winner and become a loser, that’s not an impossibility, but another option is being a permanent winner and quit being a winner, undefeated, unstoppable, with a legacy which speaks for itself. Are you a winner, or did you already give up?
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