The Winners Take Control
The Winners Take Control

The Winners Take Control

What is behind and what is in front of us are little compared to what we have inside. —Emerson

The mind that opens up to a new idea never returns to its original size. —Einstein

Control is a matter of learning.

The more financial education we have, faster we can distinguish between advantageous situations and those that are not.

Separating the good from the bad becomes easier.

As an entrepreneur on the road, I have many interests and I keep control through an interest active in all of them.

I trust people, and they will do their best, but I keep in touch and my doors are always open for them.

I don't try to direct everything that happens in the business.

But I know that ultimately.

The responsibility is mine.

And knowing that the responsibility is mine means that I have the control.


I am proud of this path and the work I am doing to make the vision come true.

We work very hard, and I am aware of it, but I make sure that we continue in the first place, setting the pattern myself.

From a broad and sustainable perspective in time.

Life is full of risks.

We do not have total control, however much we like it.

Think otherwise.

But we can reduce the risks and increase our leverage through learning, reasonable decisions and an attitude positive.

Many people have achieved great success when all odds were against him; they did it because they decided to take control of their destiny and refused to give up.

One way to maintain control is to keep track of the whole picture.

When talking about the whole picture, I always think of a tapestry.

Somebody told me that you look at the back of a beautiful and invaluable tapestry, all you'll see is a lot of knots.

Well, sometimes that's all people see because.

They have not contemplated the finished design on the other side.

Destiny works like this sometimes.

That's why, don't give up control and leave your own tapestry — the design of your life—unfinished.

Shortly after hearing that analogy, I heard someone say that he was “made a knot” in a certain situation, and I understood that this person was not visualizing his tapestry.

He had lost sight of the whole picture.

When I told him about the tapestry, he relaxed visibly.

Do not forget to occasionally observe things from the other side; that It will help you stay in control and give you elements to deal with problems and deal with people.

You must be able to control your surroundings, at least in the two, to the extent that it allows you not to knot.

Some synonyms of the word control on which we can reflect are: command, domain, authority, and determination.

You may not have control over many things, but you can start with you.

The power of the mind is leverage maximum.

You have a brain: use it.

You can call me a control freak, but no, I accept excuses.

Winners take control by taking responsibility.


