Winners are ordinary people with extraordinary heart

Winners are ordinary people with extraordinary heart

First and foremost quality of a winner is to love yourself. The first step to become an extraordinary person is to love and accept yourself as who you are! Mistakes are inevitable in life and we all commit them. We get to learn a lot from our mistakes (also from other's) if we are not too ignorant. Everybody has a grey shade including me. Accept yourself despite your flaws. The reason I'm saying this is because whenever something bad happens to us or whenever someone leaves us, we start hating ourselves instantly even before analyzing the situation. Things will fall in place and so stop blaming yourself.

Learn to truly love and appreciate the person you see in the mirror! Always challenge yourself. My parents are happy living an average life, doing monotonous tasks (which mostly revolves around me and my brother). There's nothing wrong in that. But, if you want become an extraordinary person and live a truly exceptional life, then you got to do things that will help you get there. Dreams don't work unless you do. So step out of your comfort zone and step into that undiscovered territory.

Be happy to take responsibility in life. You are where you are because of the decisions you made. If you want to be better, you must take responsibility for all your actions. Instead of whining over things, take charge of your life. Accept challenges and move on with your defeat. I came to a point where I believe that this universe is in someway guiding me towards my way through life. We all sure will go through moments of despair and fear. That suffering will be undesirable at the beginning. But later on, you'll realize that those things were meant to happen to teach you some lessons. That pain will make sense to you later & you'll start seeing it as a blessing!

Don't worry about the sunk costs. If you want to achieve great things in life , you have to be willing to give up on things that brings you down. Once you gain the audacity to say no to things that don't empower you, trust me you have already moved one step forward. To be extraordinary is not difficult. To be one while creating great value depends of understanding what is needed, and what you can do to fill that need while sustaining yourself. That process is aided by a deep understanding of reality, the way it is, not the way the power structures want you to think it is. If you start with a careful observation of life, and disregard what only applies in special cases, you wind up with a few rules that always apply.

Everybody Knows-The Secret Is That There Is No Secret. Everybody Knows, That: If you want to drive a nail into a 2X4, you don’t use steel wool. You use a hammer. The bat, and the hammer are examples of tools. Ideas can be tools. The scattered life guidance we try to use are sometimes as potent as sawdust, and steel wool. The condition of the world needs a lot of fixing. There was a man who saw this, and was able to do something about it. He made a mental tool. Here’s some background. The art of living was studied by the Brahmin caste of ancient India.

Many insist they mastered it. They sifted, studied, refined, practiced for centuries. The results were so good, that they kept it to themselves, as the Vedas, and Upanishads. The Brahmins lived great lives while the others suffered. That was not accepted by some people, and they found a teacher who could change it. The teaching that delivered the refined knowledge of life out of the exclusive control of the Brahmin caste, and gave it to all people,came out about two thousand years ago, and is called Saddharma Pundarika Sutra.

It was translated into Chinese in the fifth century, and later brought to Japan. There, it was called Myoho Renge Kyo. The thirteenth century monk Nichiren recognized it as the way for ordinary humans to make their lives victorious. He added the word Nam to create Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. That turned a great idea into a tool anyone can use. It clarifies what was mysterious before, and is often called the Mystic Law, although it is a law of clarification. The information itself is not difficult to understand. What is difficult, for many, is giving up the escapes, addictions, prejudices, comfort zones. Those have been used as Band-Aids over the scrapes, pains of difficult lives. There haven’t been plans, and tools to reliably win. They are now freely available.

Basic concepts: The knowledge already exists in every culture, yet usually not combined into a tool. Everybody knows that life goes on, even when any one individual doesn’t anymore. Everybody knows that humans are flesh, and spirit, and that each person is unique, yet part of the whole. Everybody knows that what goes around, comes around. These three principles can be found in old, and new records like Genesis, the Vedas, Upanishads, and their derivative literature. All right, so what?

Well, What everybody knows are scattered in many places in our media, art, conversations, daily lives. Yet, we often lose sight of one, or two, of those little realities. Since they are all basic aspects of life, forgetting to apply them simultaneously has consequences. When we lose sight of the reality that life goes on, even when any one individual doesn’t anymore, we suffer continuous pain, and fear about the end of our own lives. When we fully accept it, we can transcend the attachment.

When we lose sight of the reality that humans are flesh, and spirit, and that each person is unique, yet part of the whole, we can easily get caught up in the differences, and create conflict. When we fully accept it, we can build great relationships more easily. We can also stop killing people because they look different. When we lose sight of the reality that that what goes around, comes around, we make bad decisions, and are more ready to harm others. When we act on the basis of that reality, we can have much smoother lives without the blasts from the past.

We have choices. It’s all right to know things in general form, but it is better to have important information condensed into short, useful forms, the way Isaac Newton did for gravity, for example. He took a lot of scattered information and put it into a formula with six characters. Because of that work we have GPS on our smartphones, better hurricane tracking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”– Steve Jobs

Follow Your Heart Back in 2016, I was lost. Although life was good working as a chemical engineer with a high-paying salary, I wanted more. I desired a great life by making a bigger, tangible, and positive impact. Without direction, I looked inward and revisited my past pain points. They included the following: Poor physical and mental health. Mediocre relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Nonexistent dating life. Stagnant growth. Lack of freedom by being enslaved to working for money. Through my experience of overcoming those challenges, I wanted to help others do the same. The problem? I didn’t know how. But deep down, I knew what I was doing was not what I was born to do.

We now have an easy to use summation of what’s true in life in six characters. We can use them as a reference to stay clear of problems created by forgetting one, or two critical factors. We can even train our brains to be more consistent with what’s true about life without forgetting something critical. Then we can consistently make better decisions, and build better lives. That summation is in words that are able to contain those ideas, including interpretations from multiple individuals, and cultures, be easy to use, and free. It is easy to say so that people can train their brain by repeating it. Nichiren figured it out in the Japan of seven hundred fifty years ago, and Daisaku Ikeda heads a group that teaches it for free, to anyone who wants to.

Because the suffering of not going after my true wants exceeded my agony of staying the same, I decided to quit my job and went all in. Despite the uncertainty, I took a leap of faith. Trusting my own abilities such as discipline and perseverance, I believed in myself that all will be fine. And if I must, I can return to the workforce and grow my venture on the side. I always have that choice. When I started living according to my values and goals, I became most alive. Nothing was mundane and boring.

Not knowing what the outcome will be removed any attachments. I was simply focused on the process by striving to make progress to achieve my desired results. By following my heart, I discovered my inner compass and north star. Trust the Process. Everything in your past has magically worked together and got you to where you are now. All your previous experiences have accumulated up to this point. It can be difficult to believe what you are currently doing is not going to make sense in the future. However, you must trust in the process that it will succeed.

Let’s take Steve Jobs as an example. In his Stanford commencement speech in 2005, Jobs described his personal story of connecting the dots. After dropping out of college, he followed his curiosity and intuition by enrolling in a calligraphy class. He learned about the fundamental principles of creating great typography. At the time, it didn’t seem to have any practical application. However, ten years later, he used that information to design beautiful calligraphy into the Macintosh computer. By taking a course that genuinely interested him, Jobs was able to implement his previous knowledge into something useful.

It was impossible for him to initially see how taking a calligraphy lesson would be much of value. But looking back, it all made sense. This is also true for you. Analyze your past experiences. You can find the links between them and how they have helped you along the way. You have to believe what you’re doing now is going to be purposeful in the future. Trusting this strategy will give you the confidence and courage to start and fully commit. Later on, what you have invested will pay off in one way or another.

Create Your Own Legacy. After identifying what you wholeheartedly want, go after it with ferocity. On your journey, you will learn new skills. Some may include: Resilience. Determination. Persistence. Another ability is the willingness to expand your knowledge. You will have the eagerness to acquire additional expertise that excels in your growth. Cheers!


