Winners and Losers - Central Park Strolls
Straphangers Work Together, Use Hand Sanitizer to Scrub Swastikas From 1 Train Car | NBC New York

Winners and Losers - Central Park Strolls

Congratulations for making it through yea--I mean week three of the Trump presidency. Here's a video I recorded a few days ago (oh to be young again). Then some updated W&L to tide you over until decad--I mean week four.

The Week in Getting Around NYC

And speaking of the greatest city on earth...

Winner: NYC Subway Riders—confronted with swastikas drawn in Sharpie all over a subway car, a train of passengers reached into their bags, pulled out Purell and tissues, and got to work. The train was swastika-free by the time it reached 96th street. #AndNeverSoClean

Loser: NYC bus riders—With the Defense Department reportedly considering renting office space in Trump Tower, navigating security checks on the way through midtown just got that much harder. #DamnThisTrafficJam

The Week in Trump vs Business

Winner: DC Lobbyists--DC lobbyists have begun selling insurance to companies for Trump tweets. #MakingKStreetGreatAgain

Loser: Workers in China—Nordstrom will be fine, but the Chinese workers that make Ivanka Trump’s fashion line? Not so much. #BuyAmerican

The Week in French Politics

Winner: Emmanuel Macron—A rumor of an illicit gay love affair wasn’t enough to derail the centrist candidate, who is now the presumed frontrunner to take down far-right Marine Le Pen in France’s presidential election. Bonus points for inviting disgruntled US scientists to come work in France. #AlreadyTrollingLikeAPro

Loser: France’s center right—With Francois Fillon, its presidential candidate, already reeling from accusations last week that he employed his wife as a parliamentary aide and can’t prove she did any work, a French court this week ordered former French President Nicolas Sarkozy (like Fillon, a member of Les Republicains party) to stand trial for alleged campaign finance fraud. #LeReelingRight

The Week in Russian Blowback

Winner: Bill O’Reilly—The Kremlin says it’s not too late for the Fox News host to apologize for calling Putin a “killer” in his interview with Donald Trump. O’Reilly responded: “I’m working on that apology, but it may take a little time. You might want to check in with me around 2023.” #PapaBearBitesTheBear

Loser: Victims of Domestic Abuse—Vladimir Putin signed a law this week that decriminalizes first offenses of domestic violence that don’t “seriously injure” the person, whatever that means. More than 85% of legislators in Russia’s parliament voted for the law last month. #RussianFamilyValues  

Ian Bremmer is president of Eurasia Group, foreign affairs columnist at TIME and Global Research Professor at New York University. You can follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Wessie (Tewes) van der Westhuizen

Pentioner from Eskom I am moving to PE on 16 December 2017 to be closer to my daughter.

7 年

I love the way Pres. Trump think and work. I agree that he must get rid of the negative factors in his country. Just a pity that Americans does not agree with him. It is clear that President Trump is a Christion and that he want his country to be free of all this negative non Christion aspects. GOOD FOR YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP.


The US foreign policy should, first of all, protect the national security of the USA (and it is Iran, not Russia which threatens US national security) and help to protect US population from RADICAL MUSLIM TERRORISM (both Sunni and Shiite). It is funny, pathetic and "Don Quixote"- like idealistic to expect that US foreign policy towards Russia (or any other state) should be based on the premises how it handles (or mishandles) the issues of domestic abuse... It is Iran (not Russia) which acts as an ideological enemy of the USA It is Iran, which the USA should deal with on the basis of uncompromised principles, as with its most dangerous adversary. Iran has a very strong Radical Islamist ideology, which claims moral superiority over "decadent", "corrupt", "hypocritical" Western Judeo-Christian civilization. Iran actively supports radical Muslim terrorist organization - Hezbollah. Iran openly threatens to wipe out from the face of Earth the state of Israel. The ideology of Radical Islam is very militant and aggressive towards "infidels" and it is purposed to spread and occupy the entire world. It is impossible to resolve conflicts with the ideological enemies (such as Iran) in peaceful pragmatic manner. It is important for the US to differentiate between ideologically motivated enemies (such as Iran), which are most dangerous, and pragmatic geopolitical rivals, such as China and Russia.

Kandy Z.

Cyber Strategist, Cyber OSINT

7 年

This is the best winners/losers to date, Ian. I always look forward to them, but I really did love this one. Have a mellow Sunday and you are more handsome than you were as a youngster because men get better looking with age. I wish that were as true for we ladies.

Meredith Poor

Software Development Contractor

7 年

"calling Putin a “killer” is not helpful for establishing a reasonable political relationship between the US and Russia." The last time a 'reasonable' political relationship existed between the US and Russia was in the 1860's.


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