By James Levin | Oct 13, 2020 | Blog
In order to really win, first you need to lose. You need to FAIL. Embrace failure. Do not be afraid to fail, it is part of life and if you ‘own’ your failure, if you recognize your failure, you now have an opportunity to learn from those mistakes. You become stronger, smarter, you raise your intelligence quotient, you can be a better leader and you can rely on real experience, which you can share with your colleagues. FAIL is a great acronym. First. Attempt. In. Learning. And, FAILURE is arguably one of the best teachers.
Characteristically, to be a winner you will need to work hard, be committed to who you are, what you do, what you stand for and who you do it for.
Winners should be able to put their ego aside and not rely on some ‘instant gratification’. No, winning is a process that requires time, a quality attitude and nothing less than 100% effort at all times.
Clear objectives, goals, intentions, a plan, passion and a purpose should drive you to success. Identify your destination. Where are you heading and can you take responsibility for the journey? Take a risk – The possibilities are endless.
Be enthusiastic about failing because you are learning and boosting your level of competence. You are better. You are stronger. You build self-awareness and self-confidence.
To win is to fail.