And the winner is... LinkedIn
Steven Randall
Risk Practice Lead @ Sikich LLC ----- Internal Audit | SOX | SOC | Cyber | CMMC | PCI | AI & Data Governance | Oracle GRC
A few years ago I asked a question about the best recruiting source. Having limited recruiting experience at the time, I was curious about CareerBuilder -vs- LinkedIn and Monster -vs- LinkedIn.
I decided to write a follow up to those posts because I have since tested ZipRecruiter -vs- LinkedIn. Unlike a few years ago, I didn't solicit feedback on the value of ZipRecruiter. Instead, I was seduced by one of their many ads and jumped on the platform to give it a test. The ZipRecruiter promo that attracted me was only a 2 day trial, so I ended up buying a month of their premium service. For comparison sake, I ran a simultaneous and identical campaign on LinkedIn.
I manage the operations of Vonya Global, a consulting firm primarily focused on serving the internal audit needs of multi-national corporations. To meet my business demands, I need to hire internal auditors with at least 5 years of internal audit experience who also have a passion for the profession. I am constantly searching for candidates (and if you're in Metro Chicago and fit the description, you've probably noticed me reviewing your LinkedIn profile) and have reviewed / evaluated 1,000's of resumes and profiles.
I can unequivocally state that for my needs, LinkedIn is the only solution. I'm not bashing the other services because I'm sure they are great for certain professions. With LinkedIn I can quickly review a candidates profile, see if there are mutual connections, read what other people have said about them, check out their endorsements, and get a glimpse into their writing style, among many other things. With the other recruiting services, I get a resume and a little additional information but invariably I have to go to LinkedIn to learn more about the candidate. There also seems to be a better match between the candidate credentials and the job requirements through LinkedIn ads. It is not that someone with zero Internal Audit experience can't be a good Internal Auditor, they just can't start their career with me. I get far more candidates without the required experience through the non-LinkedIn services.
So... that is my experience. I would be interested in reading feedback about the other recruiting platforms, because maybe I'm missing something. I'm constantly recruiting and need to most efficient and effective way to identify qualified candidates.