WinMinute entrusts its data to Ikoula
Launched in 2013, the WinMinute mobile app, a french crowdsourcing expert, improved the “store-check”, to allow the biggest brands to collect data about their shops, with the help of their consumers community using the app. Thanks to its application, WinMinute gathered almost one million pictures and 5 million data within 4 years.
WinMinute concerns was big data management and high-availability of its app, this is reason why they finally chose the service and the proximity of CloudIkoulaONE hosting, the Ikoula Cloud Computing offer! The Cloud hosting offer the flexibility and the disponibility they needed to follow their fast evolution and to handle their future challenges, to collect videos for example.
I was happy to describe the collaboration between WinMinute and Ikoula in the IT Expresso video interview alongside Henri Moché, CEO of WinMinute.
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