Wings of the Wind
On a windy late afternoon stroll, a breeze wraps ever so gently about me and eases my footsteps along; as if, “… upon the wings of the wind:” (the Holy Bible: Psalm 104:3, AV). In total awareness, the breeze itself somehow carries one’s mind and body to be harmoniously in sync with spirit and soul. Mind, body, spirit, and soul at one with the universe, which permits for the intake of time itself; it feels like the slowing of time. Wherein, the silence between thoughts one perceives the presence of God (QTE. a.smf). Being cognizant, both, to the visible and invisible things of our world (Rom. 1:20). What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? In planet Earth’s plane of existence, it’s different for every one individual. No matter, the bombardment of present reality. For, in truth, it is the way one chooses to look at life that unfolds reality. As my eyes view the images before me, in a leisurely saunter exercising a physical body’s workout.
This exacting warmth felt within the breeze today accompanies my outing and stirs such mindfulness of presence, with a kiss of wonderment, and of gratitude for life. As the end of summer nears by the tell-tale feel and sound in the Cicadas’ symphony of songs, as I walk and think, Summers end. Mother Nature’s invisible handiwork, turning the various floras into a rainbow of color, communicating too all breathing creatures without one spoken word, telling us autumn is now here.
While I take in its beauty, I feel it in the winds of change and within me; even the faunas are given to grasp the seasons of changes that are also known and seen within the migration of birds, such as the Mourning Doves, thinking, On the wings of a dove. Thank you, heavenly Father (Col.1:15-19)
The sounds and smells all vying for my precious time alone with the universe, while the worlds within worlds bids for my attention to be elsewhere. Caught up, amid a hurried pace of moving traffic heard in the distance, to the occasional cars and passersby, who move hastily past me and onto their destinations. All of which, including me, lives within planet Earth’s existing world in which one breathes, lives, and moves in. Simply put: present reality. While, at the same time, attempting too still be mindful of something bigger than themselves. Not easy to do, not with a busy and noisy – never-at-rest – world we take our being in. Yet, it is possible (Ps. 33:22).
One only need to discern and too choose wisely with their time. Most importantly, the mind. In spite, of life’s present demands upon them. Acknowledging, I’m more than a reflection seen within a mirror image of ego. I’m a spiritual being having a physical existence. In mindfulness, I call it, God consciousness. In the simple acceptance of who I am in present reality – this time and space – too keep the feet firmly planted on the straight and narrow way that leads unto life (Matt. 7:13-29).
Still, we cannot help but to say and then too question, “Sure, but how to relate such things in life?” Especially, when a hectic world says otherwise! Even now, in the United States of America, President Donald Trump, the leader of our beloved country is being examined about allegiance pertaining to him possibly being found guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors; in a presidential impeachment inquiry. It pulsates the entire planet Earth’s humanity. Indeed, it is worlds within worlds, but this is a process. One we’re experiencing, while continuing our democratic way of life; and in our journey through life, to the betterment of our country, whose mindfulness perceives the enlightenment of truth and justice for all. The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America. We have a Republic. We will keep it. No one individual is above the law (Matt. 10:26; Mark 4:22; John 7:24; 1 Pet. 2:15-16). As my thoughts overtake me, Humanity, let us pray (Ps. 140:11; Matt. 6:9-18). Amen (2 Cor. 1:20).
Continuing my stroll, observing the beauty in our world, one has the ability to let go of the darkness while amidst it. In effect, to choose and too see the good in life. Instead, of letting the cynicism of a noisy world infest its hopelessness permanently within our mind – conscious and subconscious – whose reality communicates, creates, and establishes life’s boundaries in which man-kind takes being in. Our present world, planet Earth.
Embrace the positives our world surrenders us every day, and then own those blessings in gratitude to something bigger than themselves: God consciousness. A divine universal Intelligence known as God; a source, letting the existence of good vs. evil permeate our global mindset (Matt. 18:15-20); and keeping in mind Eccles. 1:4 and Isa. 14:26-27 and Acts 17:26.
In meditative thought, letting the wings of the wind move me along in joy, too feel one’s way forward and to let go then of any emotions desiring to steal away these moments of bliss, in my return jaunt to home, I claim the joy and own my bliss, It’s a beautiful day! I’m so glad I followed-through in my walk. Thank you, God (Col. 3:15).
It being toward evening hours the crickets are heard now more boisterous in songs, serenading me in my stroll, and reminding everyone that autumn is claiming its worldly time. Their sounds can sometimes be loud, but never is it objectionable. At least, in my part of the universe, leaving me too appreciate their songs, I do so enjoy this time of year. Fall’s colors are amazing!
Bringing reflective thoughts then back too mind of the Mourning Doves, whose nest is cradled within my neighbor’s rooftop eave spouts. I’ve learned about them, since the doves initial arrival in late spring 2019, resulting in my contact then with the National Aviary, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Ornithologist Robert S. Mulvihill, on July 19, 2019. While I continue to enjoy their presence, within our worlds of worlds; late spring to September 2019. Each morning, it’s pleasing to see them; especially now, as they tend to their baby fledgling. In some way, it uplifts the human spirit; while observing their habits from my second floor apartment home, having the doves almost eye level, with only a driveway’s difference between the dwellings. As I return to my upstairs apartment home and to the sight of Mourning Doves, who then has me too feel, I’ll miss them, when they migrate to warmer weather.
Our Ohio days are still warm, some days more than others; like today, the temperature is mid-seventies to eighty degrees. But the nights are so much cooler! At least, as of late, saying aloud to my feathered friends, “Cooler nights will soon be too cold for you! It’s in the air,” as I then walk into the next room.
Where, sitting in my reading chair, I recall my research on the Mourning Doves, together in their initial appearance on them, discerning, Perhaps, next year, they’ll return to their nest a third time?
Mourning Doves cannot tolerate cold weather, and I do think they’re migrating doves. They should soon be leaving in late August into early September 2019, when going by my read. This will have them arrive to their wintering grounds either in Mexico, to places in the southern United States, in October and November 2019. Although, it’s reported they fly as far south as Central America, rationalizing, I’d like to witness at least one of them leaving. Or, something! But it’s the baby dove I’d really like to see take flight, since I missed observing their first brood.
It’s interesting to learn doves recognize their own reflections in mirrors; akin to the way in which humans view videos and TV of sorts. They’re gentle birds, who cuddle. Cuddle! Yes, at night, when the doves are not nesting. Doves will often be seen too cuddle one another, exchanging a session of rapidly light pecks about the neck and head area, as they ever so faintly shake their wings; and such is the love that’s shared by some animals. In knowing, in addition too visual observation by humans, this proven truth regarding such animals-in-kind cannot fail too warm one’s heart and to broaden humankind’s way of thinking about them; a scope, that widens the feelings shared amongst their own kind.
I witness the Mourning Doves' cuddles to their bows and sad coos at sunrise and sunset, whose sound is a haunting call; it can be mistaken for the call of an owl. Yet, in some way, it imparts to me one of hope, whenever I hear its cooing sound. In spite, of the Mourning Dove being named for its unforgettably sad coo, which is interpreted as a cry by most. No matter, its coo is distinctive and sets the Mourning Dove apart from other doves; of which there’re many, more than three hundred known species within the animal family Columbidae.
As I sit in my reading chair, looking out and through my windows of the worlds, an exacting warmth felt within the breeze earlier today, during my outing, is replaced now with a cold wind; not unusual, the past several nights, thinking, Perhaps, these cold nights, mixed with rain, will coax the Mourning Doves earlier migration South. I hope so.
Why then do doves symbolize hope? Is it because of the various references stated within Holy Scripture? As in the belief of Christ, where a dove is suggestive of the Spirit of God and courage; wherein, as well, Hebrew scripture releases a dove from Noah’s ark, having the dove return with an olive branch, showing then the dove indicative of the Spirit of God and courage.
Surely, through the centuries, human perspective remains steadfast in the richness of diversity and man’s chosen belief system – faith – in believing in something bigger than themselves (Ego); with all humbleness of mind and in reverence to a heavenly Father. Looking within one’s self, in an attempt to rationalize things which one cannot directly contribute to, except by prayerful thought (Heb. 11:3); for some, it’s meditation, to even possibly the symbolic meaning of the Mourning Dove, whose message remains true in the passage of time and in its requests to civilizations: get out as much as possible, laugh (hold onto joy: one’s bliss), and too go within.
Makes good commonsense, as the law of our beloved country purposes under The Constitution of the United States, holding accountable and true to the supreme law; in reason and due process and in enlightenment of truth and justice for all (Prov. 2:10-11).
So it is for me, reflective of good commonsense, my mind parallels wisdom literature to encapsulate intellectual philosophy, to the controversial subject into a presidential impeachment inquiry. This leaves my thinking too surrender upon the wings of the wind the Mourning Dove’s message, This too, shall pass (2 Cor. 4:17-18).
I rise from my reading chair to view the Mourning Doves, before retiring for the evening, “I’ll see you in the morning, Little Ones.”
In the morning, the little ones had gone. Will the Mourning Doves return in Year 2020? Being grateful, I thought, Perhaps they will, like the wind… (John 3:8).