WINFOCUS did it again!
There is something I must share we all of you!
The 18th WINFOCUS Symposium was a huge success!
Let me give you some facts:
This was a major achievement that makes us all very proud. As you can image in none of this would have been possible without the hard and committed work of an exceptional team, whose motivation and professionalism led to where we are today.
Regarding the 2 portuguese language sessions, I must thank Anthony J. Dean (WINFOCUS President), Julina Md Noor (Congress Chair) and our Co-Chair ( Hamid Shokoohi, MD, MPH, FACEP ) for allowing, once again, to talk about clinical ultrasound in our native language. A very special thanks to our amazing Chief Operating Officer ( Cristina Recasens ), to the awesome Secretariat Team (grácias, Quim Fuster Rams y Marina Guzman ) and to the outstanding IT team. Grazie mille, Davide Neri , per la tua energia e ispirazione.
E, por último, um agradecimento muito sentido à Ana Luisa Vieira (cúmplice nesta organiza??o luso-brasileira), e a todos os palestrantes nestas sess?es: Fernando Ferreira, Filipe Andrade, José Muniz Pazeli, Jr., Larissa Takaoka, Luis Cláudio Pinto, Pedro Gaspar Costa, Renan Santiago Faria, Sara Raquel Martins, Thiago Dias Baumgratz e Tiago Félix.