Wine Innova Tech in Chile: Attracting Investors for WineTech Initiatives
Max Morales
PR & Business Development | Hub Texas Latam |FinTech, Climate Change TravelTech & Outlet Retail | RSE Valor Compartido Minería | Public-Private Initiatives | +50.000 Newsletter ??
With the aim of facing the challenges that climate change represents in vineyards and terroirs of the Valparaiso Region in Chile, in addition to the new scenario of international wine production and marketing of Chilean Wines, on May 16, 30 and 31, 2024 at the Palacio Rioja in Vi?a del Mar, the “Wine Innova Tech 2024” is going to be celebrated.
During 3 days, 16, 30 & 31 of May, Wine Innova Tech 2024 will bring together to Vi?a del Mar and San Felipe the following targets at different activities like two International Seminars, a Wine Technology Fair, a regional Wine & Tourism Fair, Conversatorios/Talk Spaces, as well as a challenge to look for startups that are working in the wine niche, to accelerate their growth with partners in strategic areas of the Valparaiso Region, thanks to a Challenge of Startups.
The verticals of the Seminar are:
? Define strategies on how to confront Climate Change
? Creation of new products from surplus grapes and wines
? Promote biotechnological development to rescue the genetics of old vineyards
? Investment Attraction Strategy for Real Estate and Wine Tourism (Thematic Hotels or Lodges)
Target Audience W.I.T. 2024
-??????Entrepreneurs in AgTech, FinTech, TravelTech
-??????Entrepreneurs in Wine
-??????Wine providers
-??????Wine Directors
-??????Commercial Directors of Wineries
-??????Winery Owners
-??????VC’s – Venture Capitals
-??????VC’s Analysts
Wine Private Fund to be created
May 16 at 3:00 p.m. At the Vi?a Escorial of San Felipe, Luis Felipe Oliva Diaz will do a workshop on how to set up an investment fund in Chile.?
Target of the workshop is aimed for Angel Investors, VC's Vineyard Owners, Head of Finance, Chief Winemakers and people related to the marketing and sales of wines in foreign markets.
Luis Felipe Oliva is an international consultant with extensive experience in the financial sector, where he led various positions in public and private institutions, such as being the Former Investment and Financing Manager at CORFO.
“In the introductory workshop, the development of the venture capital fund industry, the general characteristics of these investment vehicles, as well as the basic conditions to structure a wine investment fund for the wine industry of the Valparaíso Region will be addressed. ", emphasizes Luis Felipe Oliva.
Wine Technology Fair at Palacio Rioja
To reinforce the new opportunities generated, all technological and agro-wine entrepreneurs will be invited to participate in the First Wine Technology Fair in Palacio Rioja, on May 30 and 31, through 15 stands where supplier companies and national technological startups and international, will be able to present their advances and developments aimed at the regional wine industry, in addition to convening wine-tourism SMEs.
BioTech Development
Max Morales, Senior Project Manager of #WIT2024, Agricultural Engineer and researcher of Old Vineyards and Chilean Vinestocks since 2001 will be giving a speech to explain the importance of Chile in the world specifically in the presence of #ancestralvineyards brought by French, Spanish, Italian to Chile since 1551 until before the attack of phylloxera in the world in more than 4.000 kilometers from north to south (DNA genetic material). The speech will explain strengths and opportunities of Chile by leading several actions like rescuing old vines, create new products and particularly, the importance of the creation of a genetic reservoir in Chile.
The speakers are:
Victor Rico Ex operations manager de WhatsApp-Meta, Embajador de Angel Hub México, la red ángeles inversionistas más grandes de Latinoamérica y scout de H20 Capital Innovation.
Luis Felipe Oliva Diaz consultor internacional de amplia experiencia en el sector financiero, donde lidero diversas posiciones en instituciones publicas y privadas, como ser el Ex Gerente de Inversión y Financiamiento en CORFO
Mariana Onofri , Directora de Vinos The Vines of Mendoza, Propietaria Onofri Wines.
Ettore del Lupo enólogo Italiano especialista en rescate de vi?edos antiguos
Sergio Cuadra Chief Winemaker Fall Creek Vineyards de Texas?
Josefa Villarroel (Especialista en Programas de Emprendimiento, Ex Directora del Centro de Negocios Sercotec Rapa Nui)
Gianfranco Marcone Meteorólogo de Canal 13 y Chileweather
Juan Carlos Ramos Cadiz Gerente General de Renova Barrels
The International Seminar is supported by Comité de Desarrollo Productivo Regional de Valparaíso thanks to the program Viraliza Corfo, to upscale the Wine Innovation Strategy in the Valparaiso Region, one hour from Santiago, the Chilean Capital.
More information:
Email: [email protected]