Windows tip of the week
Use the Public folder for simple sharing
If you've created two or more user accounts on the same PC, you'll find the Public user profile enormously valuable.
The Public profile resembles any other user profile, with five default subfolders: Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, and Videos. (Third-party programs can create subfolders here, too.) All files you save or copy to these locations are available without restriction to any user who signs in using an account available on that PC.
On a PC where you've set up standard user accounts for employees or family members, save downloaded program installers in the Public Downloads folder and save shared pictures in the Public Pictures folder.
You can use the Public folder on a local network as well. Folders in the Public profile are available on a homegroup or to any remote user who signs in using any account set up on the PC serving as host.
You'll find the Public profile folders in C:UsersPublic. For easier access, create a shortcut using the %Public% environment variable, use the shell:public command, or pin the Public folder to the Quick Access list in Windows 10 (Favorites in Windows 7).