Windows Eventlog investigation using PowerShell
Investigating Windows Event Logs using PowerShell is a powerful and flexible way of analyzing and monitoring system events. Here are some key points about its effectiveness, speed and practicality :
1 - Access investigation :
To investigate access and security in Windows event logs, certain Event IDs are particularly useful.
Here's a list of some of the most common and relevant:
A - Get all access history :
here, you should replace id number with the right event id number from the top list.
The following command will retrieve all log records with all details :
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; Id=4624} | select *
B - Get time based all access history :
The following command will retrieve all log records with all details for a specific time duration, you need to change $backdays variable (-1 : the last one day )
# Get time based access history
$backdays = -1
# --------------------------------------------------
$startDate = (Get-Date).AddDays($backdays)
$enddate = Get-Date
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{LogName='Security' ; StartTime=$startDate ; EndTime=$enddate} | select *
C - Get time based access history using keywords :
here we will search for security events using Keyword1 and Keyword2.
you can changes first 3 variable as your needs.
# Search by keywords for X last days
$backdays = -1
$Keyword1 = 'error'
$Keyword2 = 'access'
# --------------------------------------------------
$startDate = (Get-Date).AddDays($backdays)
$enddate = Get-Date
$Result = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{LogName='Security' ; StartTime=$startDate ; EndTime=$enddate} | Where-Object {$_.Message -match $Keyword1 -or $_.Message -match $Keyword2} | Select-Object RecordId,Id, UserId ,TimeCreated, message
2 - Reboot History :
Display last 10 reboot :
# (You can change $MaxEvent value)
$MaxEvent = 10
# Trouver les derniers redémarrages
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName = "System"; ID = 1074, 6005, 6006 } -MaxEvents $MaxEvent
3 - Check for installed Hotfix :
# Check for installed Windows updates :
Get-HotFix | Sort-Object InstalledOn -Descending
4 - Examine open ports :
# Examine open ports :
Get-NetTCPConnection | Where-Object State -eq 'Listen' | Select-Object LocalPort,State,OwningProcess
5 - List running services :
# List running services :
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}
6 - Check user accounts and privileges :
# Check user accounts and privileges :
Get-LocalUser | Select-Object Name,Enabled,LastLogon
Get-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators"
7 - Examine firewall settings :
# Examine firewall settings :
8 - Check antivirus status (if using Windows Defender) :
# Check antivirus status (if using Windows Defender)
9 - Some diffrents eventlog investigations :
# Search for failed connection attempts (You can change $Max_Event value) :
$Max_Event = 100
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; ID=4625} -MaxEvents $Max_Event | Format-Table TimeCreated, Id, Message -AutoSize -Wrap
# Check group changes (You can change $Max_Event value) :
$Max_Event = 100
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; ID=4728,4732,4756} -MaxEvents $Max_Event | Format-Table TimeCreated, Id, Message -AutoSize -Wrap
# Review security policy changes (You can change $Max_Event value) :
$Max_Event = 100
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; ID=4719} -MaxEvents $Max_Event | Format-Table TimeCreated, Id, Message -AutoSize -Wrap
10 - The gift of this article : an investigation script for system errors, application errors and High CPU investigations :
The following script is gift for you, it allows you to :
Before using the script, keep in mind that you can change default values of :
Here is the script :
# Define investigation period (default: last 24 hours)
$startTime = (Get-Date).Adddays(-1)
$endTime = Get-Date
$EventsToDisplay = 500
# Events function
function Get-FilteredEvents
param (
[string]$LogName = $null,
[int[]]$EventID = $null,
[int]$Level = $null <#Level 1 = Critical , Level 2 = Error , Level 3 = Warning #>
$filter = @{LogName = $LogName; StartTime = $startTime; EndTime = $endTime }
if ($EventID) { $filter.Add("ID", $EventID) }
if ($Level) { $filter.Add("Level", $Level) }
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $filter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Collect relevant events
$systemErrors = Get-FilteredEvents -LogName "System" -Level 2
$applicationErrors = Get-FilteredEvents -LogName "Application" -Level 2
$SecurityInvestigation = Get-FilteredEvents -LogName "Security" -EventID 4720,4723,4624,4625,4726,4732,4672,4768
$highCpuEvents = Get-FilteredEvents -LogName "System" -Level 1 -EventID 2004,2019,2020
# Find last 5 restart
$lastReboot = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{
LogName = "System"
ID = 1074, 6005, 6006
} -MaxEvents 5
# Event formatting function
function Format-EventsDetailed {
$events | ForEach-Object {
"`nTimestamp: $($_.TimeCreated)"
"ID: $($_.Id)"
"-" * 80
# Generate report
$report = @"
================================================= Event log analysis report ==========================================================
Investigation period : $startTime à $endTime
================================================= Last 5 reboot : ====================================================================
$($lastReboot.TimeCreated) - $($lastReboot.Message)
================================================= System Errors système (Top $EventsToDisplay) : =====================================
$(Format-EventsDetailed ($systemErrors | Select-Object -First $EventsToDisplay))
================================================= Application Errors (Top $EventsToDisplay) : ========================================
$(Format-EventsDetailed ($applicationErrors | Select-Object -First $EventsToDisplay))
================================================= Security investigation (Top $EventsToDisplay) : ====================================
$(Format-EventsDetailed ($SecurityInvestigation | Select-Object -First $EventsToDisplay))
================================================= High CPU usage events : ============================================================
$(if ($highCpuEvents) { Format-EventsDetailed $highCpuEvents } else { "Aucun événement trouvé." })
# Export report to text file
$Dir = "C:\temp\"
if((Test-Path $Dir) -eq $false)
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Dir -erroraction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$report | Out-File "C:\temp\EventLogAnalysis_$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd_HHmmss').txt" -Width 4096
Conclusion :
In summary, using PowerShell to investigate Windows event logs is often more convenient, quicker and more efficient than traditional methods, especially for system administrators and security professionals who need to manage and analyze large amounts of data.
System Administrator
Information Technology Analyst @ HCLTech | Windows specialist with excellent problem-solving skills
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