Windows 11 Cannot Connect to Windows 10 through Network Sharing.
Hello IT friends. I'm back again with another printer article. ??To see my other ramblings, click on this Solving Common Printer Errors in the Workplace.
Before continuing, you'll need to follow the steps on the link above.
At work, I recently faced a printer connection challenge. We have shared non-network printers at work. They are shared on Windows 10 computers. A few days ago, one of the staff members, who has a Windows 11 computer, told me that he couldn't access the printer, and hence could not print.
I investigated the issue and noticed some peculiar things.
Naturally, the best course of action was to uninstall the updates. However, what if upcoming Microsoft updates would undo that, and we would go back to the initial error?
So, ladies and gentlemen, this is how I solved this.
This is the error below when accessing the Windows 10 device. Windows cannot access \\{machine name}. Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose.
Please note these instructions below are being done on the Windows 11 machine, not the Windows 10 hosting the printer.
2. Click on it to open the Group Policy Settings. You will see a pane as below.
3. Click on Windows Settings. On the left will be an arrow to expand the options.
4. Click on Security Settings then Local Policies. Expand both options on each instance.
5. Expand on Security Options then look for Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (always)
6. Double-click on it. That is the Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (always). Ensure it is Disabled. Then press ok.
7. Then on the left go to Administrative Templates.
8. Expand the Network Option.
9. Click on Lanman Workstation and on the right pane double-click the Enable insecure guest logins.
10. Change this setting to Enabled. Then click OK.
11. Try accessing the Windows 10 machine. It should work. ??Connect the printer now by double-clicking on it. In case of an error. Refer to my earlier article on printer errors here. Click on this if the printer refuses to connect automatically.
Windows is the most popular OS in the world for end users. Simple, lovely GUI, and easy to navigate. Sometimes, updates can turn a previously working instance, to the opposite. With the discontinuation of Windows 10 support by October 2025.
P.S. Move to Windows 11, please. ??
I hope the updates will continue to smooth out our experience with it. Till then, have a great day ahead. Or, as Avatar Aang says while in the Fire Kingdom in Book 3, STAY FLAMIN!!!