Wind Turbines
Earth, as of today, is a world run by fuels and electricity. Every human being is directly affected by them, whether it is by their consumption, uses, or price. With the depletion of fossil fuels & the effects caused by rising CO2 release, there is a growing push to generate power from wind, & other sources and thereby create a more sustainable society.
The power output is directly related to the swept area of its blades. The larger the diameter of its blades, the more power it is capable of extracting from the wind. The larger the blades, the stronger they need to withstand the higher levels of centrifugal and cyclic varying gravitational loads. With a 31-meter (100-foot) blade weighing around 4.5 tons and a 54-meter (177-foot) blade weighing around 13 tons the weight of the blade is not proportional to the size and power rating of the machine.