Wind turbines field : VR visualization
Florent Germain, PhD
Director @ PTC - Vuforia | Solutions Implementation, Professional Development
This is a proof of concept for a VR project about visualizing a field of wind turbines at different scales, displaying the wakes under different conditions and making it interactive.
Current version also provides localisation selection on the minimap and multi-users (VR and non-VR)
This runs on Unreal Engine with Nvidia VRWorks, thanks to 2 x 1080 GTX (one dedicated to PhysX for the particles calculations)
Features :
- Model scales (x2) and 1:1 scale
-Movable and interactive wind turbines
-Simulated wakes at different speed and orientation using Nvidia Turbulence
-Dynamic lighting
-Real-scale spot selection on the minimap
- Multi-users, with VR or non-VR (spectator camera)