Wind Turbine
A wind turbine is a power-generating device that is driven by the?kinetic energy?of the wind.
Wind turbines generally fall into one of two categories: Horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs) and vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs). HAWTs, the more common type, consist of propeller-like rotors fixed around a central hub and facing into the wind, like a windmill. In a VAWT, blades surround the drive shaft of the turbine. The device resembles a giant push mower laid on its side and extending into the sky.
Both types use bladed rotors of various designs driving a shaft to a generator that uses electromagnetic induction to produce a voltage.
Today, small-scale wind turbines for individual use generally have a maximum output of 400-1600?watts. In contrast, the largest industrial turbines might generate as much as 7.5 megawatts of?wind power. A grouping of turbines in a given area is known as a?wind farm?or a wind park.