Wind direction can affect the climate in livestock houses
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Intelligent capacitive sensors and climate sensors for livestock farming and other industries.
Livestock farmers and farm managers care about the animals' health and welfare to maximize their yield. One thing that can affect these factors is the climate in the animal housing.
Several studies have found that the wind direction can affect the temperature, humidity, and air quality in the livestock housing. Thus, measuring wind direction is important to livestock farming.
A Documented Impact On The Climate
A study published in the journal Biosystems Engineering?found that wind direction significantly affected temperature and relative humidity in a naturally ventilated animal housing facility. The study also found that wind direction impacted the concentration of airborne pollutants in the animal housing, such as ammonia and particulate matter.
Winds blowing from the north can cool down livestock houses during summer, while winds from the south can raise the temperature and affect the animals' well-being. During winter, winds blowing from the north can make the house too cold, while winds blowing from the south can warm it up.
Furthermore, the humidity and air quality can also be affected by wind direction. The wind can carry odors, dust, and unhealthy particles from surrounding fields or facilities into the livestock house, which can harm the animals.
Why Measuring Wind Direction Is Important
Measuring wind direction can help farmers and farm managers take the right decisions on adjusting ventilation systems, planting windbreaks, or relocating animal housing.
A Robust Weather Sensor for Measuring Wind Direction
DOL 58 Weather Sensor can be used to measure wind direction. The weather sensor is a highly reliable sensor, providing farmers and farm managers with accurate and immediate weather data. The sensor measures wind direction, wind speed, air pressure, and air temperature.
DOL 58 has a robust design with no moving parts which gives it a long service life even in areas with heavy winds and gusts of winds.