Win Your Battle of Back Stiffness: Here is How!

Win Your Battle of Back Stiffness: Here is How!

Back stiffness is a condition in which the lower back of the body has the sensation of rigidity in the muscles or the joint of the back, mainly the backbone. It typically affects the lower back of the body, but it can also occur in the middle or upper back. This condition can be temporary or chronic, depending upon the severity and area of the pain.?

Understanding Upper Back Stiffness

Generally, upper back stiffness occurs between the base of the neck to the bottom of the rib cage. Poor posture, strain and sprain, disk problems, and fracture can be the reason for upper back stiffness. By using a heat and ice bag, doing exercise, and yoga, you can reduce pain and stiffness.

Causes of Back Stiffness

Stiffness in some groups of muscles in your hips or thigh may change the biophysics of the spine leading to back stiffness. Here are some causes of back stiffness:

Physical Activities

Physical activities like weightlifting or sudden movement or twisting of the backbone area can lead to back stiffness and strain.

Medical Condition

Sometimes, injuries can lead to stiffness. Some common medical conditions are muscle or ligament strain, where the back muscles get strained due to heavy weight lifting.

Tight Hamstrings

Hamstring muscles are generally found in the back of each thigh. Numerous factors, such as inactivity or inadequate stretching before or after exercise, can cause these large muscle groups to become stiff. When hamstrings turn tight, they become compact. Such changes may impact your lower spine’s curvature and disturb the spine’s placement with the pelvis. Hence, you might experience lower back stiffness, either with or without pain. Bending your spine forward usually increases the stiffness.

Tight Hip Flexors

You can lift and bring your thigh closer to the body because of the iliopsoas muscle, which is present in the hip. This movement is known as flexion of the hips. Stiffness in the iliopsoas muscle causes stiffness within this portion of the spine.


Wrong Posture

Slouching or sitting for a long duration creates pressure within the spinal segment. It also reduces the strength in the muscles of the lower and upper back and it reduces the nutrient supply to the spinal tissues.

An inactive lifestyle and sitting in improper posture for long hours cause spinal stiffness. Sit straight in the correct posture, take some breaks in between, and move your shoulder up and down to prevent back stiffness.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis is a phenomenon that takes place when spinal inflammation happens due to friction among adjacent vertebrae. It generally affects the joints and bones at the base of the spine where it connects with the pelvis. This causes stiffness and long-term pain in the upper and lower back.

Osteoarthritis Arthritis

Osteoarthritis arthritis is a medical condition in which the cartilage present between the bones dries out, resulting in inflammation and stiffness of the lower back.


Dehydration and Contraction of Spinal discs

Water plays an important role in keeping the body functioning properly. A decrease in the water level in the body leads to dehydration and it even causes the spinal disc to lose water, resulting in impairing spine health and back pain with stiffness. Every vertebra has discs and they help in absorbing the daily shock that protects the spine. In a dehydrated body, the spinal discs can’t protect the spine as they should normally.

Exercises Effective in Managing Back Stiffness

Like most pains associated with muscles, back stiffness can also be managed with regular exercise. Experts generally recommend the following exercises to help with back stiffness.

Circle of the Hips

This is a tension-relieving exercise that improves flexibility and helps to relax the hip and lower back muscles. It involves the erector spinae, gluteal, pelvic, and abdominal muscles, which make up the core muscles. Anyone in any age range can perform this easy exercise.

From Knees to Chest

Exercises that stretch and balance the pelvis, ease lower back muscles, and increase flexibility all help to lessen back pain. This exercise targets the gluteus maximus, spinal extensors, quadriceps, and pelvic muscles in particular.

Wipers on the windshield

Hip and lower back stiffness are relieved with this exercise. This back-stretching exercise works the obliques, pelvic muscles, erector spinae, and sacral muscles.

Pelvic Tilts

When you practice pelvic tilts, it strengthens the muscles like hamstrings, rectus abdominis, sacral muscles, and gluteus maximus which help in back stiffness.

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Yoga: The Ultimate Solution to Manage Back Stiffness

Yoga is proven to be an excellent way to provide relief from back stiffness and improve flexibility, strength, and posture. Let us discuss some of the yoga poses that can provide relief with regular practice.

Balasana: The word balasana is derived from the two Sanskrit words, “bala” which means child and “asana” which means pose. Therefore this asana is also known as a child’s pose.? To start the balasana or child pose, you need to sit over your heels and then you must stretch your arms in the forward direction while lowering your forehead facing the ground or floor. Extend your arms out with the palms facing the floor.

Then slowly move the arms towards the back, with the palms facing upwards. This specific exercise gently stretches the back and helps you release the tension.

Marjaryasana: “Marjary” means cat and “asana” means pose therefore it is commonly known as cat pose asana, in this pose, being on the surface places your hips exactly above your knees to start. Your hands should be in front of your shoulders then while exhaling, you need to round the spine facing the ceiling. While in this position, start releasing your head and the tailbone facing toward your mat. Take your lower belly inside while facing up. This specific exercise helps increase the flexibility and mobility of the spine and relieve stiffness.

Adho Mukta Svanasana: The word adho mukha svanasana comes from Sanskrit. ”Adho” means downward, ”mukha” stands for facing and “Svan” means dog. There are three types of adho mukta svanasana; they are the three-legged downward-facing dog pose, the standing split pose, and the revised downward-facing dog pose. These yoga positions help to release the tension in specific areas of the back.

Uttanasana: It is commonly known as standing forward asana. To perform this you have to stand with a gap between your legs and the width should be equal to your hip. Then join the hip to fold forward, letting your head hang in the downward direction and your hand should touch the ground. This asana will help to reduce tightness by stretching the lower back area.

Bhujangasana: Bhujangasana, also known as the cobra pose, is effective against back pain. To perform this pose, you need to lie down on your stomach with a hand under your shoulder. Press into your hand to lift your chest, keeping your elbow slightly bent and your shoulder away from the ears. It stretches the chest and spine area, improving flexibility and reducing stiffness.

Supta Matsyendrasana: To perform this yoga, lie on your back with your arm out to the site with one knee up towards your chest and then let it fall across your body to the opposite side. Turn your head to look in the opposite direction. It helps to generally strengthen the spine and back muscles, promoting relaxation, and reducing stiffness.

Tips and Treatments for Back Stiffness

Back stiffness is an uncomfortable condition, and sometimes it can cause excruciating pain to the individual. Treatment can be provided to the individual depending on the cause of the stiffness. However, some general strategies can provide relief like stretching exercises, which will help to strengthen the back and will help to improve flexibility and support the back muscles. Here are some of them:

  • Applying heat or cold pads can reduce inflammation in the area. It has proven beneficial in many cases.
  • Maintaining proper posture, while sitting, standing or walking, can help reduce the strain on the back.
  • While working, you can also roam inside the workplace, rather than sitting at a particular position for a longer time.
  • There are certain therapies like physical therapy and massage therapy, which are done by professionals. It is designed on an individual basis to address your problem, providing tension and improving circulation of blood along with some specific exercises to strengthen your back and improve flexibility.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen can help to reduce the pain and inflammation. They should be consumed only if prescribed by the doctor.
  • Good sleeping habits like sleeping on the proper mattress, which provides proper support to the back are also important.
  • Maintaining a proper lifestyle, like staying active and avoiding obesity, not lifting heavy weight.

All the above-mentioned strategies can help to get good results but a personalised assessment and treatment plan is a suggested step.


Back stiffness happens when some groups of muscles in your hips or thigh may change the biophysics of the spine. Earlier it was considered an issue faced by old age people, but nowadays young people are also seen suffering from this medical condition. With the exercises and yoga asana discussed in this blog, you can achieve the secret to your wellness. However, it is always a good idea to seek expert help before you start with your pain management regime.


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