Win-Win in Events Management...
Andy Oyegoke
Strategic Communicator - | Co-founder & CEO at Africa Sustainable | CVO at Symptom Spectrum - | Transformation Coach & Growth Expert | Championing Diversity & Sustainability
When we start with our goal to be win-win, we create lasting relationships in our personal and business lives. Andy Oyegoke, Effective Communication Consultant
In 2010, we decided to do something completely selfless (well, maybe not quite as it turned out to be amazing PR)... Our selfless act was to organise and put on a Gala dinner to raise money for a children's charity. In principal it sounds quite simple. We were however, faced with prospect of doing this with no support and zero funding, coupled with the fact we knew we had to "go big or go home".
Armed with a belly full of bravado and bluster we charged headlong into the maelstrom. We selected one of London's most iconic and challenging venue′s the Natural History Museum (a grade 5 listed building complete with Dippy the Diplodocus and others), combined with our chosen date being the eve of London Fashion Week, you can imagine the kind of juggling required to ensure we delivered a successful event.
The outcome exceeded our wildest dreams as we raised over £40,000 on the night for the Cauldwell Children charity. This amazing charity′s focus is on improve the lives of disabled children nationally. As the charity is financially supported by John Caudwell, 100% of any monies donated is used for improve the children's lives.
The money we raised was trebled to £120,000... FashART? became a registered trademark and the best was mentioned in dispatches as "one of the best events of London Fashion Week", in the past 11 years by Idol magazine...
The making of FashART? 2010 at the sumptuous Natural History Museum, London