Win The Week: How to Turn Creative Ideas Into Reality
The Creative Factor
The minds & methods shaping craft, career, & culture. Wednesday Newsletters. Edited by Matt McCue. Branded by Coalesce.
It’s Monday, which is enough to give us some kind of anxiety, whether creative or otherwise. But never fear, we have one tactic to help you win this week, taken straight from the advice of our interview subjects.?
Here we share a favorite framework from CreativeLive founder @Chase Jarvis that works for both creative development and career progression.
"My creative process goes by the moniker IDEA," he says. "It's a powerful piece to put your work out there in the world and see that it resonates with some people."
1. Imagine is the first phase of any creative project.
2. Design is second. You have to figure out how you're going to do it.
3. Then “E” stands for Execute.
4. Finally, you have to Amplify your work and put it out there.
Read the full interview with Jarvis here.